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词汇 get home
例句 John left in the morning, was out all day and didn't get home till the evening.约翰早晨出门,一整天都在外面,直到傍晚才回家。He likes to put his feet up and watch TV when he gets home.他回到家里喜欢把双脚搁平舒舒服服看电视。I'll e-mail you his address when I get home.我到家后把他的地址发电子邮件给你。He longed to get home to bed and rest his weary bones.他盼望回家躺在床上,休息一下疲惫的身体。Your mother's in for a bit of a surprise when she gets home.你妈妈回家后肯定会有点儿意外。You often feel rather flat when you get home from a holiday.度完假回到家里经常会感到无精打采。I'll email you my résumé when I get home.我回到家就把简历用电子邮件发给你。He was impatient to get home.他迫不及待想要回家。What time do you usually get home in the evening?你晚上一般什么时候回家?She wired him the money to get home.她给他电汇了回家的路费。We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.我们等爸爸妈妈回家。He's in for a nasty surprise when he gets home.他到家后肯定会大惊失色的。Just wait until he gets home. I'll give him what for!等他一到家,我就教训他一顿。Wire me as soon as you get home.一到家就给我拍电报。He murmured something about having to get home.他轻声说该回家了。We don't need to stay long; we'll just show the flag at dinner and then get home early.我们不必待很久;我们只要在宴会上露露面,便可早些回家。He'll be in plenty of trouble when he gets home.他回家后会有很多麻烦。She often stops up till he gets home.她常常等他回家后才睡。 You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper.你想赶回家吃晚饭的话,就得加快速度。I want to get home while it's still light.我想趁天色未晚时回家。That's torn it! We'll never get home in time now.这下完了!我们现在真的没法及时到家了。I'm going to slip out of this uniform as soon as we get home.我打算我们一到家就把这制服脱掉。If I don't get home in time, Mom will tar and feather me.如果我不按时回家,妈妈就会严惩我。I just want to get home and stretch out on the sofa.我只想回家摊开四肢舒舒服服地躺在沙发上。I didn't get home till after dinner time.过了晚饭时间我才到家。The kids raid the fridge when they get home.孩子们一回家就会把冰箱扫荡一番。You must get home to John where the difficulty lies.你一定要使约翰认清困难的所在。It was a wonderful/nasty surprise to get home and find the letter.回到家就意外地看到这封信,真是太好了/糟糕透了。I've just missed my train, so God knows what time I'll get home now.我恰好没赶上这班火车,现在天知道我什么时候会回到家了。I realize you didn't get home until after midnight but what does that have to do with coming in late for work?我知道你半夜才回到家,那与你上班迟到有什么关系?The first thing I do when I get home from school is get changed.从学校回到家我做的第一件事就是换衣服。When I get home from work I like to just sit/lean back on the couch and relax.下班回家后我就喜欢坐/靠在长沙发上休息。We'll see to it that she gets home early.我们一定要使她早早回到家。We were in a hurry to get home, so we cut out before the performance ended.我们急着赶回家,所以表演还没结束就匆匆离开了。What time did you get home last night?你昨晚什么时候回家的?I'll call you as soon as I get home from work.我下班后一回家就给你打电话。The children are always hungry when they get home from school.孩子们放学回家时总是饥肠辘辘的。By the time he gets home there won't be much evening left.每当他回到家里,晚上的时间已经剩下不多了。Just you wait till your father gets home.等你父亲回来瞧你怎么办。The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.那些女人尖叫着,拼命地往家赶。




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