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词汇 get in
例句 Sheena resisted the urge to get in her car and go home.希娜按捺住自己没有跳上车回家。She did everything she could to get in with the people she thought would make her look important.她想尽办法结交那些能抬高自己身价的人物。He started taking yoga and meditation classes to get in touch with his inner self. 为了同内在的自我交流,他开始上瑜伽冥想课。I must get in touch with the bank and arrange an overdraft.我必须和银行联系安排透支的事。Everybody had to get in line and wait their turn.所有人都必须排队等候。The first stage is to get in touch with your perceptions and accept responsibility for your relationships.首先你要搞清自己的想法,承担起你们这种关系的责任。I'm trying to get in the spirit of the holiday season.我正努力融入节日的气氛。We queued in the rain for two hours and still didn't get in.我们在雨中排了两小时的队,可仍没进去。Best not to let business get in the way of pleasure.最好别让工作妨碍了玩乐。I held the lift so that she could get in.我停住电梯让她进来。I asked her to get in touch with Henry as soon as possible.我要求她尽快与亨利联系。It might be useful for us to be able to get in touch with you.我们如果能够联系上你可能有用。He tried to get in a few digs about you but I quietened him.他本想挖苦你几句,但被我劝止了。We did all the hard work of setting up the company, and now everyone wants to get in on the act.我们千辛万苦创立了公司,现在谁都想来分一杯羹。I hope we can get in a visit to the art museum the next time we're in the city.我希望下次我们到这个城市时能抽空参观一下艺术博物馆。He will have to get in more money.他将不得不收更多的钱。The firm's Wall Street debut was the first chance for investors to get in on an Internet IPO for months.该公司在华尔街的首次亮相使投资者几个月以来第一次有机会参与到因特网公司的首次公开募股中。I'd love to get in touch with Monique again. Do you have her new address?我很想再与莫妮克联系,你有她的新地址吗?I applied to Bristol University, but I didn't get in.我申请布里斯托尔大学,但是没被录取。God help him if he gets in my way.他要是跟我作对,那就让上帝保佑他吧。She could not get in without a permit.没有通行证,她进不来。You'd better not do that or you'll get in trouble. 你最好不要那样做,否则会惹麻烦的。We were both so hyped up about buying the house, we could not wait to get in there.我们两人都对买这所房子感到紧张兴奋,等不及要进去看看。The sea was very cold and it required great strength of mind to get in.海水很冷,需要有足够的勇气才敢下水。Inever let unimportant details get in the way of a good plan.我从来不让细枝末节妨碍一个好计划。Don't let your social life get in the way of your education.不要让社交生活影响你的学业。Wild strawberries are much smaller than the kind you get in shops.野生草莓比商店里的草莓小很多。You usually have to wait a while before you can get in the club.一般要等一段时间才能进入俱乐部。There was enough room for a wheelchair to get in but not to turn round.空间足够让轮椅进来,但没法掉头。He wanted to go to Cambridge, but he didn't get in.他想上剑桥大学,但没被录取。We have to try and get in without drawing attention to ourselves.我们得想办法神不知、鬼不觉地溜进去。If you want to be elected to the club, she's the person you need to get in with.如果你想入选俱乐部,就要先赢得她的好感。Jean tried to get in touch with her husband to let him know what had happened.琼想跟她丈夫取得联系,让他知道所发生的事。She can give as good as she gets in an argument with just about anybody.无论与谁争论,她都能够予以有力回击。Several fans tried to get in without paying.几个乐迷试图不付钱就闯进去。Come on, get in or we'll be late.来吧,上车吧,不然我们要迟到了。Gail has wangled it so that we can get in without tickets.盖尔施小计让我们不用票就可以入场。Some people were lookers, and they just wanted to get in to be able to look around, but they were not bona fide buyers.有些人只是观望者,他们只想进去转转看,并非真心实意的买主。You should be careful of Ian - he can be pretty ruthless if anyone gets in his way.你得当心伊恩。谁要是妨碍了他,他就会变得冷酷无情的。She told me I need to get in touch with my feminine side.她告诉我得更温柔些。




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