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词汇 speaker
例句 He was a notoriously verbose after-dinner speaker.他在饭后讲起话来是出了名地啰唆。The speaker was howled down by his audience.演说者被听众轰下了台。Only the people who were nearest to the speaker could actually hear what he said.只有离演讲者最近的那些人才能够听到他的话。The speaker transfused his enthusiasm into the crowd.演说者用自己的热情感染群众。Doug Williams is the first speaker in tonight's debate.道格·威廉斯是今晚的辩论会的第一个演讲者。The microphone is wired to the speaker.麦克风连接到了扬声器上。Communication of whatever sort involves not just a speaker but a hearer too.不管什么形式的交流,都不仅涉及讲话者,还涉及听者。The speaker carried the audience with him.演讲者使听众深受感动。The audience faced the speaker.听众面对讲演人。Several people formed a group round the speaker.几个人围拢在演讲者周围。Here the speaker paused for effect.演说者讲到这儿停顿了一下,以加强效果。The speaker tried to impress the dangers of drugs on the children. = The speaker tried to impress on the children how dangerous drugs can be. 发言人力图让孩子们清楚地了解毒品的危害。The speaker made some prefatory remarks.演讲者说了几句开场白。The speaker intruded a thin smile into his seriousness.演说者在一本正经的演说中微微一笑。She was an excellent speaker, but I found her choice of topic strange.她是个优秀的演讲者,但我发现她的选题比较奇怪。A tinny voice issued from a speaker.扬声器传出了尖细的声音。Each month's service features a different speaker.每月举行的宗教仪式上都安排有不同的人演讲。The speaker went off on a tangent.那个讲演的人突然离题扯开去了。It is my pleasure, nay (my) privilege, to introduce tonight's guest speaker.我很高兴,也很荣幸介绍今晚的特别演讲嘉宾。The speaker was muddling along, and nobody could follow what he was trying to say.演讲者在杂乱无章地往下讲,谁也弄不清他在讲些什么。She was a stirring speaker and activist and soon became the poster child of the antiwar movement.她是个能鼓舞人心的演说家和活动家,很快就成了反战运动的代言人The speaker was heckled by a group of protestors.发言人遭到一群抗议者的请难。The radio speaker talks too fast, and trying to report him is often discouraging.电台广播员语速太快,想要记下他的话往往很难。One long-winded speaker after another came to the podium.说话冗长乏味的演讲者一个接一个地来到讲台上。The speaker drew attention to the point at issue.演讲者把人们的注意力引向争论的焦点。He adverted to a topic mentioned earlier by another speaker.他提及先前另一位讲演人提到过的论题。From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.仅从一个简单的手势或者说话人的语气里,日本人就能够领悟到所有的意思。Here the speaker paused.这时演讲人停顿了一下。She's one of the rising stars of politics and an excellent public speaker.她是政界的新秀之一,是一位非常出色的演说家。The speaker was applauded as he tore apart the prime minister's policies.发言者严厉批评了首相的政策,得到了一片掌声。It sounds odd to the ears of an ordinary English speaker.这在普通说英语的人听来怪怪的。The speaker has rattled through his speech.演讲者很快地讲完了他的演说。The speaker doesn't know how to put himself across.那位发言人不知道怎样把自己的意思讲清楚。She challenged the legitimacy of the previous speaker's arguments.她对前一位演讲者观点的合理性提出了挑战。The speaker was hooted off the platform by a small group of protesters.那名发言人被少数抗议者的嘘声轰下了台。The speaker was regrettably indisposed.很遗憾,演讲人身体不适。The question rattled the speaker.这个提问使讲话者感到惊慌失措。The speaker dropped a hint of a possible modification of the proposals.发言者暗示可能会修改建议。Bruce Wyatt will be the guest speaker at next month's meeting.布鲁斯·怀亚特将成为下月会议的特邀发言人。The speaker was dull and their attention soon wandered.演讲者的演讲很乏味,所以他们很快就走神了。




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