例句 |
The peasants tried hard to protect their crops of rice from the inroads of sparrows.农民们竭力设法保护水稻免受麻雀的侵袭。I woke up to the sound of sparrows chirruping.我醒来时听到麻雀叽叽喳喳的叫声。It was winter and the sparrows were pecking at whatever they could find.时值冬季,麻雀啄食着能够找到的任何东西。The sparrows were chattering in the garden.麻雀在园中啁啾地叫个不停。Little sparrows fluttered among the branches.小麻雀在枝条间窜飞。We used to snare small birds such as sparrows and robins.我们过去常常用罗网捕捉麻雀、知更鸟等小鸟。 |