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词汇 soles
例句 She was wearing flat shoes with rubber soles.她穿着胶底的平跟鞋。The rubber soles of my shoes squeaked on the shiny floor.我的鞋是橡胶底的,踩在光滑闪亮的地板上吱吱地响。These shoes have leather uppers and synthetic soles.这些鞋子的鞋帮是皮质的,鞋底是合成材质的。The sand was so hot I got blisters on the soles of my feet.沙子太热,我的脚底起了水疱。His leathery soles scuffed the dry marble floor in the hall.他的皮革鞋底刮擦着大厅里干燥的大理石地面。I am sure I can feel a vibration through the soles of my feet.我敢肯定我能感到脚底下有震动。Who'd have thought platform soles would ever make a comeback?谁料得到厚鞋底还会重新流行起来呢?After only a month Terry had worn out the soles of his shoes.才一个月,特里就把鞋底穿破了。The soles of my feet were covered in blisters.我脚底起满了疱。I got some stick-on soles for my shoes, but they keep coming off.我有一些可粘贴鞋底,但它们老是掉下来。She could feel the gravel through the thin soles of her slippers.透过便鞋的薄鞋底,她可以感觉到脚下的砂砾。The soles of his shoes were nearly worn through in places.他鞋底的有些地方几乎都磨穿了。The black soles of his socks stamped damp imprints on the dry floor.他的黑袜底在干地板上留下了一个个湿印。His shoes had rubber soles.他的鞋底是橡胶的。She tickled the soles of his feet.她搔挠他的脚底。




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