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词汇 soldier
例句 A soldier must be able to compartmentalize his emotions to focus on the mission.军人必须能够撇开私人感情,专注于自己的使命。The young soldier was killed in a skirmish with government troops.这名年轻士兵在和政府军的一次小冲突中被打死了。The soldier had a wife and family.这个士兵有妻子儿女。The young soldier cut a fine figure in his new uniform.年轻的士兵身着新制服很是抢眼。The United States must soldier on, for to abandon Iraq to its fate now would be irresponsible.美国必须撑下去,因为现在抛弃伊拉克使之听天由命,那就是不负责任。The cover photograph of one magazine showed a dying soldier.一本杂志上的封面照片是一名奄奄一息的士兵。He was a brave soldier.他是个勇敢的士兵。The soldier died in agony.这个士兵痛苦地死去。He stood bolt upright, like a soldier.他站得笔直,就像一名军人。But the soldier's lawyers have said she was following orders from higher-ups.但是该士兵的律师说她不过是在依上级命令行事而已。The wounded soldier cried out in pain.那个伤兵痛得直叫。The wounded soldier struggled in the forest.受伤的士兵在森林中艰难地行进。He turned out to be an able editor/leader/soldier.他成为了一位能干的编辑/领导/军人。He decided to enlist as a soldier.他决心应征入伍。The wounded soldier was taken up and carried away.伤兵被抬起送走了。The soldier's leg was wounded by a grenade.士兵的腿被手榴弹炸伤了。What was life like for the common soldier?普通士兵的生活如何?He was a career diplomat/soldier. 他是个职业外交官/军人。The soldier never failed to bear himself courageously on the battlefield.那个士兵在战场上总是表现得十分英勇。The main character is a soldier in the First World War.主人公是第一次世界大战时的一名士兵。A soldier must stand up to danger.一个士兵要敢于面对危险。A soldier stood on the centre line of the road, his arm upraised.一名士兵站在道路中心线上,一只胳膊高高举起。Moore has been a soldier for most of his adult life.穆尔成年后大部分时间都在部队里当兵。One by one each soldier approached the coffin and gave a final salute.士兵们逐个走到灵柩前致以最后的敬礼。The soldier had been heard shooting his mouth off about the camp's defence system.有人听到这士兵信口谈论军营的防御体系。 Even in peacetime, a soldier's life is hard.即使在和平时期,军人的生活也是艰苦的。The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body.那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。The injured soldier crawled to safety.受伤的士兵慢慢爬向安全的地方。Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear.就连那个士兵在比雷杰干什么都不清楚。He's a soldier.他是个士兵。Any soldier displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy was shot.所有临阵惧敌的士兵都被枪毙了。The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.据报道,死去的那位士兵是胸部受了致命伤。The soldier leered at Thomasina.那个当兵的对着托马西娜色迷迷地笑。The soldier had his left leg amputated at the knee.那士兵的左腿自膝盖以下已被截除。The soldier was as brave as a lion.那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。The soldier bore himself stiffly upright.那个士兵站得笔直。A soldier stood guard by the door.一名士兵在门口站岗。He'll soldier on whatever happens.不管发生什么事,他将继续干下去。The soldier received no staggering wound from any of the three shots.三枪中的任何一枪都没使这个士兵受到什么惊人的枪伤。The soldier wore a decoration on his left breast.这名士兵在左胸佩一枚勋章。




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