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词汇 获得成功
例句 She was determined to succeed by hook or by crook.她决意要不择手段获得成功The service is being expanded following the success of a pilot scheme.在试验性方案获得成功后,这项服务正在推广中。It requires a significant leap of faith to believe that we can succeed where so many others have failed.如果认为我们能在那么多人都失败的事情上获得成功,就必须有大胆的信念。After the success of her first film, she could not escape the glare of publicity.她的首部电影获得成功后,她就无法摆脱公众的关注了。The coach's positive attitude was a contributing factor to/in the team's success. 教练的积极态度是这支队获得成功的因素之一。The movie is a heart-warming tale of triumph against the odds.电影讲述了一个克服重重困难获得成功的感人故事。His father's example drove him on to success.父亲的榜样激励他获得成功Students are driven by the desire to achieve.学生为获得成功的渴望所驱动。He speculated successfully in mining shares.他做矿业股票投机获得成功She's living proof that anyone can succeed in this business.人人都能在这个行业获得成功,她就是个活证据。O'Neill had a string of successes with his first four plays.奥尼尔的头四个剧本接连获得成功A lot of sweat went into making this project a success.为使这个项目获得成功而做了大量艰苦的工作。She followed the success of her first book with another remarkable novel.她在第一本书获得成功以后紧接着又写了一本引人注目的小说。With the success of her first film, she served notice that she is a serious and talented director.随着她的首部电影获得成功,大家注意到她是位严肃认真、才华横溢的导演。She sacrificed honesty on the altar of success. 获得成功,她牺牲了诚实。She had to work hard for many years to achieve success, but now she has it made in the shade.她当时必须苦干多年以获得成功,不过她现在日子过得很安逸了。You can succeed where others failed.你有可能在别人失败的地方获得成功His successful negotiation of the treaty was the high-water mark of his diplomatic career.他在这项条约的谈判中获得成功,这是他外交生涯中的最大成就。The group successfully lobbied for changes in the law.这个团体为修订法律进行了游说并获得成功The energy programme contains a few sure winners.这项能源计划中有几点肯定会受欢迎并获得成功Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success.几乎所有受访的年轻人都认为工作是获得成功的关键。The company has continued to be successful because it always stays one jump ahead of its competitors.这家公司不断获得成功是因为它总是抢先对手一步。Success waits you in your new job.你定将在新的工作岗位上获得成功If you want to get ahead, you must be computer literate.你如果想获得成功,就必须懂电脑。If he keeps his eye on the ball, he will surely succeed.如果他机灵小心的话,准会获得成功Buying the best is as sure a route to success in investment as in any other field.和其他领域一样,投资领域获得成功的途径也是买进最佳商品。Hers is a moving and ultimately triumphant story.她的事迹是一个感人肺腑的、最终获得成功的故事。She became successful on the coattails of her father.她依靠她父亲的提携而获得成功They do not resent the city fat cats, but believe top businessmen deserve success.他们并不憎恨城里的那些阔佬,而是相信最优秀的商人理应获得成功He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks.他希望通过努力工作而不是凭英俊的长相获得成功L'Oreal wins bidding war for Maybelline.欧莱雅公司竞购美宝莲公司获得成功Motivation is the kick-start you need to succeed at work.积极性是在工作中获得成功所需的动力。It was successful in rallying voters at election time.选举时召集选民队伍的举措获得成功You're brave and courageous. You can make it.你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功We're immensely thrilled to learn of your success.听说你获得成功,我们真是兴奋极了。Beauty alone can be a passport to success.人们单凭美貌也可能获得成功He got there under his own steam. 他靠自己的力量获得成功Who drove you on to success?谁激励你获得成功The project has been a success, thanks to the dedication of all of our staff.多亏我们所有员工的献身精神,该项目才获得成功His many supporters are hoping and praying for success next week.他的许多支持者热切期盼着下周能获得成功




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