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Her opponent's withdrawal gives her a clear run for the nomination.她对手的退出使她毫不费力地获得提名。It looks like he has the nomination all sewn up.看起来他获得提名已是万无一失。She is the prohibitive favorite to win the nomination. 几乎可以肯定她会获得提名。Supporters felt he might bolt to a third party if his opponent was nominated.他的支持者们感到,如果他的对手获得提名,他可能会脱党并加入某第三方政党。He's a lock for the nomination. = He's a lock to get the nomination. 他一定能获得提名。I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious award in recognition of our company's achievements.我很高兴获得提名,也很荣幸接受如此声誉卓越的奖项,这是对我们公司所取得成就的认可。She expected to achieve the requisite two-thirds majority for nomination.她期望得到获得提名所必需的三分之二多数。Announcing his candidacy was only a manoeuvre to prevent his rival from gaining the nomination.宣布他的候选人身份只是制止他对手获得提名的一种策略。The millionaire businessman easily outdistanced his major rivals for the nomination.那位百万富商轻松击败各主要对手获得提名。He has lost out for Defense Secretary.他没有获得提名当国防部长。 |