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词汇 sock
例句 She pulled up her sock which had slipped down.她拉上滑下去的短袜。Where is the pair to this sock?另一只短袜在哪里?He is a man of integrity, not a sock puppet taking orders from above.他人很正直,不是听人摆布的袜子玩偶。Every pound you sock away earns interest.你存的每一镑都会赚取利息。The three sisters' show was a sock.那三姊妹的演出非常成功。A sock show can make a million.一场成功的演出可以赚一百万。I folded all the laundry and had one odd sock left.我把洗好的衣服都叠好后,剩下了单只的袜子。I wish someone would tell him to put a sock in it.但愿有人能叫他闭嘴。I felt like taking a sock at him, but I kept my temper.我想狠狠地揍他一顿,但我还是忍住了性子。His main occupation is to sock away a fortune for himself.他主要是忙着给自己存一笔钱。They may let you off the first time, but the second time they'll sock it to you.第一次他们可能放过你,可第二次就要对你不客气了。In France the money tends to disappear into the sock; here it goes into circulation.在法国金钱往往被藏到钱柜里,在这里却是进入流通。My sock has a hole in the toe.我的袜尖有个洞。Your toe is poking out through the hole in your sock.你的脚趾从袜子上的洞露出来了。He takes every penny and puts it in the sock.他每一个小钱都要,而且把一个一个子儿都放进储蓄罐里。I have a hole in the heel of my sock.我的短袜后跟上有个洞。One sock is here; the second is on the floor.一只短袜在这儿,另一只在地板上。Hey, put a sock in it, will you? I'm trying to work here.嘿,别出声,好吗?我正在这儿工作呢。The bill could sock consumers with steeper food prices.这项法案可能造成食品价格进一步上涨,从而损害消费者利益。Tom's big toe is showing through a hole in his sock.汤姆的大脚拇趾从袜子的洞里露了出来。Legislators are getting ready to sock it to homeowners with high property tax increases.立法委员们准备对业主强行征收高额财产税。I gave him a sock on the jaw.我朝他的下巴猛击一拳。I have a hole in my sock.我的袜子破了个洞。She gave him a sock in the jaw/stomach.她对准他的下巴/腹部重重一击。The dog is chewing on what appears to be a sock.那只狗正在咬像是只袜子的东西。He is trying to sock a little money away.他在想办法存一点钱。Where is the mate to this sock?与这只袜子配对的另一只在哪里? She tore a hole in her sock when she jumped over the fence.她跳过篱笆的时候,把袜子钩破了一个洞。I hit him sock in the nose.我对准他的鼻子狠揍了一拳。He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle.他小心地把短袜拉上肿胀的脚踝。




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