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词汇 socialists
例句 The French electorate voted out the socialists.法国大选中社会主义党人落选。Moderate socialists believe in democratic reform rather than revolution.温和的社会主义者主张进行民主改革而不是革命。Union leaders hailed the socialists' victory as a huge step forward.工会领袖将社会党人的胜利称为一个巨大的进步。The arithmetic is finely balanced: the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority.该估算是经过仔细权衡的:社会主义者和他们的同盟并不占绝大多数。The Rousseau model commended itself to a lot of early socialists.卢梭提出的模式被很多早期的社会主义者接受。Many socialists were moving away from faith in revolution towards a fight for reform.许多社会主义者正逐渐改变革命信念,转而为改革而斗争。The Rousseau model commended itself to a lot of early socialists.卢梭样板得到了许多早期社会主义者的认可。The socialists are now climbing on the bandwagon.社会主义者如今随起了这一大流。The socialists performed impressively in the legislative elections.社会主义者在立法机构选举中表现不俗。The socialists hope to join forces with the communists to fight the next election.社会党员希望与共产党员联手,参加下一届的竞选。They were socialists to a man.他们毫无例外都是社会主义者。The socialists saw themselves as true heirs of the Enlightenment.社会主义者认为自己是启蒙运动的真正继承者。The socialists were victorious in the election.社会党人在选举中取胜。The socialists are committed to redistributing wealth.社会党承诺要重新分配财富。Over the last few years Japan's socialists have seen their electoral popularity take a roller-coaster ride.在过去的几年里,日本社会党在选民中的支持率忽高忽低。For the socialists, privatization goes against the grain.私有化是违背社会主义者意愿的。




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