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词汇 soaking
例句 Someone had pushed Sally into the swimming pool, and she was soaking.有人把萨莉推进游泳池里,结果她浑身都湿透了。I was soaking after walking home in the rain.我淋着雨步行回家,全身都湿透了。You shouldn't have gone out in the rain—your clothes are soaking.你原不应冒雨外出,这不,衣服全湿透了。This project is soaking up resources that could be used elsewhere.这个项目正在大量耗费本可以用于其他地方的资源。His clothes were dripping/soaking/sopping wet. 他的衣服湿透了。People are seen soaking up sun on the beach.可以看到人们在海滩上晒太阳。He was a sorry sight when he got home - soaking and covered in mud.他到家的时候,一副惨兮兮的样子——浑身湿透了,而且都是泥。You're soaking. Take those wet clothes off before you catch a cold.你浑身湿淋淋的,快把湿衣服脱下来,免得感冒。Blood from his torn ear was soaking his collar.他被撕裂的耳朵流出的血浸湿了衣领。I sat at my table for an hour soaking up the atmosphere of the café.我在桌边坐了一个小时,尽情享受这个咖啡馆的氛围。They were soaking all day long at the bar.他们终日泡在酒吧里。Your trousers are soaking in the sink.你的裤子正浸在水槽里。We walked along the beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun.我们沿着海滩漫步,一路上到处都是一排排仰卧在海滩上晒太阳的人。Nothing quite beats the luxury of soaking in a long, hot bath at the end of a tiring day.没有什么能好过在疲惫的一天结束后泡一个长长的热水澡的奢侈享受了。Poverty could not be eliminated by soaking the rich.贫穷是不能靠对富人的巧取豪夺来消灭的。We got soaking wet just going from the car to the house.我们从车里走到屋子就全身湿透了。My face and raincoat were soaking wet.我的脸上、雨衣上处处湿淋淋的。I lay soaking in a hot bubble bath.我躺在热乎乎的泡泡澡水里。They're soaking their customers by charging high fees for routine services.他们让顾客为常规服务支付高额费用。Remove stains by soaking in a mild solution of bleach.用温和的漂白剂浸泡以去除污迹。The performers stood on the stage, soaking up the applause.演员们站在舞台上,沉浸在掌声中。We're having a great time, soaking up the sun.我们晒着日光浴,玩得很愉快。To speed up germination, it is worth soaking the seed in water.为了加快发芽速度,不妨把种子在水里浸泡一下。What the garden needs is a good, soaking rain.这座花园需要的是一场透彻的大雨。The best way of preparing the nuts is to rehydrate them by soaking overnight.做这些坚果的最好方法就是用水浸泡一个晚上,为其补充水分。I love soaking in a hot tub.我喜欢泡热水澡。These dishes need a good soaking.这些餐具要好好浸泡一下。The rain was soaking me through.雨水将我淋透了。We were soaking wet by the time we got out of the rain.等我们找到地方避雨时,浑身已经湿透了。By the time we got back we were soaking.回来时我们浑身湿淋淋的。The fabric has a coating that prevents liquids from soaking through.这种布料上有防水涂层。My socks are soaking!我的袜子湿透了!I was lying on my stomach soaking up the sun.我正趴在那里晒太阳。We were lying by the pool, soaking up the afternoon sun.我们躺在池子边,沐浴着午后的阳光。People at the game got a soaking from an unexpected rain shower.一阵大雨突然降临,赛场上的人都被浇透了。Your shoes are soaking wet.你的鞋都湿透了。His active mind was a sponge, soaking up impressions and information.他活跃的头脑像块海绵,能大量吸入种种印象和知识。




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