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词汇 soaked
例句 The champagne-soaked event took over the city's main thoroughfare.该市的大街上到处香槟飘香,盛事热闹非凡。The sponge soaked in the water on the desk.海绵将书桌上的水吸了进去。He was completely soaked with sweat, bedraggled hair stuck to his scalp.他全身都汗湿了,湿漉漉的头发贴在头皮上。He admitted he had been soaked in the deal.他承认在这笔生意中他被敲了竹杠。We were soaked to the skin by the heavy rain.大雨淋得我们浑身湿透。We got soaked to the skin.我们全身湿透了。He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue.他在大雨瓢泼的露天场地演出时受了寒。My shirt and pants were soaked through by the rain.我的衬衫和裤子都被雨淋透了。The beans soaked in water overnight.这些豆子在水里泡了一夜。The cucumbers are soaked in vinegar.这些黄瓜浸泡在醋中。When the men came in from the storm, they were soaked to the skin.那些男子从暴风雨中走进来时,衣服湿透了。I got frozen stiff and soaked through.我冻坏了,全身都湿透了。We had no umbrellas so we got soaked to the skin in the pouring rain.我们没带伞,所以在倾盆大雨中被淋透了。Your clothes are soaked. Leave them in front of the fire to dry.你的衣服都湿透了,把它们放在火炉前烘干。She soaked the dog with the hose.她用软水管把狗浑身冲洗一遍。I was caught in a shower of rain and soaked to the skin.我正赶上一场阵雨,浑身湿透了。That spilt ink has soaked into the carpet.那泼出的墨汁已渗透到地毯里去了。My handkerchief was soaked in blood from my nose.我的鼻血把手帕都浸透了。He soaked himself in the subject before daring to write about it.他悉心研究这个题目之后才敢下笔写。My whole leg was, you know, soaked in blood.我的整条腿,你知道,都血淋淋的。The cloth is then soaked in blue dye.然后将布匹用蓝色染料浸泡。She was shivering and soaked with sweat.她在颤抖,浑身被汗水浸湿了。He relaxed and soaked in the tub.他放松下来,在浴缸里泡了个澡。The collar of my shirt was completely soaked through.我的衬衣领子完全湿透了。Rain had soaked into the sand.雨水渗入了沙地。The low black skies let loose on us and we became soaked to the skin.乌云低垂的天空向我们泻下倾盆大雨,把我们浑身都浇湿了。Tut, it's raining - I'm going to get soaked.啧啧,下雨了——我要淋成落汤鸡了。He soaked the cloth with kerosene.他用煤油浸泡那块布。There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。The facts soaked into his mind.那些事实印入他的头脑。By the time we got back we were soaked.回来时我们都湿透了。The firm soaked me for the few repairs they did to my house.这家公司给我的房子作了几处小修小补就敲了我一笔竹杠。The rag soaked up most of the water.那块破布将大部分水吸干了。People are getting soaked by city taxes.人们正被征收各项高额的城市税。He was swabbing the little wound on my back with a wad of cotton soaked with cheap vodka.他用一团脱脂棉蘸满了便宜的伏特加酒,给我清理背上那处小伤口。In seconds the blood had soaked through.几秒钟内血就浸透了。Panting and soaked with sweat, Ron came running into the house.罗恩跑进屋来,气喘吁吁、浑身是汗。Before we reached Buckkeep, I was soaked through.我们还没能抵达公鹿堡,我就浑身湿透了。You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?你都湿透了!你赶上那阵雨了吗?He was soaked for that mistake.他因犯了那个错误而受重罚。




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