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词汇 cuff
例句 The nurse put a blood-pressure cuff on his arm.护士在他的手臂上戴了一个血压袖带。I hadn't prepared a speech so I just said a few words off the cuff.我没准备发言,所以就随便说了几句。He made some off-the-cuff remarks during his presentation which drew laughter.他在报告中做了一些即兴评论,引来阵阵笑声。They kept me on the cuff, letting my tab grow higher and higher.他们老让我赊账,弄得我债台高筑。She wore a cuff bracelet.她戴着一只手镯。The main item of jewellery worn by men, other than a watch, is cuff links.男人佩戴的主要饰物除了手表就是链扣了。I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.我并无冒犯之意。那只是随口说出的一句轻率话。She gave him a cuff on the head/ear.她用手打了他的头/一记耳光。He called me "darling" off-the-cuff.他未经思索地称呼我为「亲爱的」。Much of the spending is on the cuff.多数开销是靠赊账。She gave him a playful cuff on the shoulder.她顽皮地在他肩头轻拍了一下。The press officer said that the president's statement was an off-the-cuff remark, not as an official statement of policy.新闻发言人说总统的发言是一番即兴讲话,不是正式的政策声明。The president's off-the-cuff remarks were better than his official statements.总统的即席演讲胜过他的正式演说。I can't answer that question off the cuff.我不能立即回答这个问题。A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.哪怕是最简单的款式,加上人造毛皮衣领或袖口也会显出几分雍容华贵。It would be a mistake to give an off-the-cuff answer.随口答复是不对的He gave the dog a cuff.他轻轻地拍了拍那条狗。The rowdy sent the boy in with a smart cuff on the back of the head.莽汉朝男孩的后脑勺狠揍一巴掌,把他打进屋去。I had to give the speech off the cuff.我不得不做了即兴演讲。Mr Baker was speaking off the cuff when he made those suggestions.贝克先生临时提出了这些建议。She's very good at speaking on these issues off-the-cuff.她非常善于就这些问题作即席演说。He talked/spoke off the cuff about his work on the project.他就自己在这个项目上所做的工作进行了即兴发言。She hoped they wouldn't cuff her hands behind her back.她希望他们不要把她反铐起来。Speaking off the cuff and with emotion, Pope John Paul II described his disappointment with the recent course of Western history.教皇约翰·保罗二世在即席而充满激情的讲话中说他对近代的西方历史进程感到失望。He gave the pickpocket a good cuff.他给那扒手狠狠一巴掌。White stripes on the cuff are the seamen's insignia of rating.袖口上的白色条纹是水兵的军阶识别符号。




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