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词汇 Being
例句 Being stuck on a small boat, you get to know someone pretty well.被困在一条小船上时,你就会跟别人混熟。Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.做演员就伴有一定的职业光环。Being in the police isn't all action. Administration is a large part of the work we do.警察的工作并不全是执行任务,我们还要处理大量的行政事务。Being fashionable was low on her list of priorities.赶时髦是她最不看重的。Being in a relationship is not all roses, you know.你知道,谈恋爱并非总是柔情蜜意,也有不如意的事。Being a wife and mother doesn't really fulfil me.做贤妻良母并不能真正使我满足。Being able to work again gave him his pride back.能够重新工作使他恢复了自尊。Being too little, the girl stood on tiptoe to kiss him.姑娘个子太矮小,所以踮起脚和他接吻。Being in a small town like this is like living in a fishbowl.生活在这样的一个小镇上就像生活在玻璃鱼缸里一样毫无隐秘可言。Being with friends does not necessarily solve my problem.和朋友相处不一定能解决我的问题。Being there gave me a chance to touch base with three friends whom I had not seen for a year.在那里,让我有机会和一年没见面的三个朋友取得了联系。Being very good at science subjects, I stood a good chance of gaining high grades.我理科很棒,所以很有机会拿高分。Being chief manager has never been a soft number.当总经理从来不是轻松容易的事。Being left in a bar all afternoon with a load of football fans is not the most edifying of experiences.被留在酒吧里和一帮足球迷整整呆一下午,可不是什么有益身心的经历。Being arrested by the police is no laughing matter.被警方逮捕可不是开玩笑的事。It's no joke to be lost in the woods. = Being lost in the woods is no joke. 在树林中迷路可不是闹着玩的。Being younger than the others, I always had to wear their old clothes.因为我年纪比其他人小,所以我总是得穿他们的旧衣服。Being a games mistress in a third-class school isn't much of a catch.在三流学校里当一名游戏课的女教师是没有多大出息的。Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident.个子高会使你感觉极其自信。Being snow-blind, he had to stop where he was.因为雪盲,他不得不就地停下。Being poor is nothing to be ashamed of.贫穷并没有什么可耻的。Being a successful news photographer is all about being in the right place at the right time.能不能成为一名成功的新闻摄影师全凭运气。Being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and authority.做一个好老板需要在仁慈与权威之间找到微妙的平衡。Being in charge of the National Health Service reforms did not endear him to one and all.负责国民医疗服务制度改革并未使得所有人都喜欢他。Being a good salesman requires skill, flair, and a good knowledge of your product.要成为一名出色推销员需要有技能、天分和对自己产品的深刻了解。Being there gave me a chance to touch base with friends I had not seen for a year.在那里让我有机会联系一年没见面的朋友们。Being parted from his family made him feel homesick.与家人分离使他思恋故乡。Being a parent is one of the great satisfactions in life.为人父母是人生中的一大乐趣。Being married is one thing, but having children is a whole new ball game.结婚是一回事,有孩子则完全是另一回事了。Being a single parent is no picnic, I can tell you.我跟你说,做个单亲父母决非易事。Being president isn't exactly a picnic. 当总统可确实不容易。Being under stress can cause you to miss meals or bolt your food.人在压力之下有时会吃不上饭,或是匆忙进食。Being a single mum is never easy.做单身妈妈绝非易事。Being a teenager isn't a bundle of laughs.十几岁的年龄可不是好玩的。Being a modest fellow, Alan was unsure of his adequacy for such a demanding role.艾伦是一个谦虚的人,不确定自己是否能胜任这样一个高难度的角色。Being deeply in debt has been a strain on our marriage.负债累累给我们的婚姻带来巨大压力。Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation.当老师需要很高的积极性。Being alone with a baby all day bored her to tears.一天到晚和婴儿在一起使她感到非常厌烦。Being tired and unhappy puts years on you.疲劳和忧郁会使你显得苍老。Being accused of theft was just one of the indignities I suffered under my last employer.我被冤枉偷东西只是我在前雇主处所受的屈辱之一。




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