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词汇 snores
例句 Sometimes my husband snores so loudly, it keeps me awake at night.有时候我丈夫打鼾太响,弄得我整夜无法入睡。My husband snores.我丈夫睡觉打鼾。My husband snores so loudly that I find it difficult to get to sleep.我丈夫的鼾声太响,我很难入睡。I could hear loud snores coming from Jim's bedroom.我能听到从吉姆的卧室传来如雷的鼾声。Loud snores woke me.响亮的鼾声吵醒了我。He snores when he lies on his back.他平躺时会打鼾。It wasn't until six months after their marriage that the bride attuned herself to the snores of her husband during sleep.结婚六个月后,新娘才调适于丈夫睡觉时的鼾声。




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