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词汇 sniff
例句 Take a sniff of this medicine - it smells horrible, doesn't it?闻闻这种药——有一股让人作呕的味儿,对吗?The dog had a good sniff at the bushes.那只狗仔细嗅了嗅灌木丛。The police use trained dogs to sniff out drugs.警方利用经过训练的狗嗅出毒品。He cleared his nose with a loud sniff.他大声吸气清了清鼻子。They ran away at the first sniff of trouble.他们一觉察到麻烦就溜掉了。A customs officer came round with a dog to sniff out drugs.一名海关官员带了一条狗过来嗅探毒品。Have the Press got a sniff yet?.新闻界嗅到了一点消息没有?By asking around, we were able to sniff out the truth.经过多方打听,我们查出了真相。She lifted the lid from a huge pot and took a sniff.她揭开一个大锅的盖子闻了闻。There was still a sniff of hope left for the team.球队仍有一线希望。He wanted to avoid the slightest sniff of a scandal.他不想与这桩丑闻有丝毫牵连。You shouldn't sniff at such a good offer.你不应该对这么好的提议嗤之以鼻。Vic's been trying to sniff out where you went last night.维克一直在打听昨晚你去了什么地方。His mother gave a sniff and asked if he had been smoking in his bedroom.他母亲闻了闻,然后问他是否在卧室里吸过烟。But really, what harm could it possibly do to pop down there and just sniff around?.不过说真的,马上赶到那里去打探一下情况会有什么坏处呢?At customs, dogs are used to sniff out drugs in passengers' luggage.在海关,狗被用来嗅查乘客行李中的毒品。Though the aid is small, there is no need to sniff at it.尽管援助很少,也不必加以嗤笑。She dabbed at her face and tried hard not to sniff.她轻轻拍了拍自己的脸,极力忍住不抽鼻子。A police dog, trained to sniff out explosives, found evidence of a bomb in the apartment.一只训练有素、专门嗅找炸药的警犬在公寓里发现了炸弹的痕迹。The fox ran off at the first sniff of danger.那只狐狸一嗅到危险的气息就逃跑了。He took a big sniff of the soup.他用力闻了闻汤的味道。Record companies are keen to sniff out new bands.唱片公司热衷于发掘新乐队。She gave a loud sniff of disapproval.她不以为然地大哼了一声。Take a good sniff of that mountain air!美美地吸一口山里的空气吧!He never even got a sniff of the target.他根本连这个目标的边儿都没碰到过。Homeless children sniff glue to dull their hunger pains.无家可归的孩子吸胶毒来减轻饥饿带来的痛苦。Some people sniff at the idea of using fake flowers.有些人对使用假花的想法嗤之以鼻。The team did not even get a sniff of the play-offs last year. 这支球队去年连打进季后赛的希望都没有。A fox came along and gave the stone a good sniff.一只狐狸走过来把那块石头闻了又闻。Then, at the first sniff of danger, he was back at his post.他刚一觉察到危险就立即回到了自己的哨位。It's not a big profit, but it's not to be sniffed at. = It's not a big profit, but it's nothing to sniff at.利润虽然不大,但也不可小视。You know what they'll be like if they get a sniff of a murder investigation.你知道如果他们嗅到马上会进行谋杀调查会怎么样。It's his job to sniff out abuses of power.他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him around.我给他闻嗅盐让他苏醒。




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