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词汇 snatched
例句 Chesterfield snatched a third goal.切斯特菲尔德攻入第三粒进球。The thief snatched her handbag and ran off.小偷夺过她的手提包逃之夭夭。She snatched up her briefcase and flicked it open.她抓起公文包啪嗒一声打开了。Philip snatched the book from my hand.菲利普从我手中一把夺过书。He snatched up the telephone.他一把抓起电话。The thieves snatched the camera.窃贼偷走了相机。He snatched the chocolate and darted away.他一把夺过巧克力,飞快地跑了。Two youths snatched her bag as she was walking home.她步行回家时被两个年轻人抢了包。He snatched at the book but not quick enough.他想抢走那本书,但动作不够快。Her handbag was snatched from her in the street.她走在街上手提包被人抢了。The company snatched him up as soon as he graduated from college.他大学一毕业,就被这家公司雇用了。He snatched the keys from my hand.他从我手中抢走了钥匙。She snatched her brother's toy away.她抢走了弟弟的玩具。He snatched the letter and pocketed it before she returned.趁她还没回来,他一把抓起信塞进了口袋。In a panic-stricken attempt to free herself from Annie's grip, she snatched the scissors off the table.她万分惊恐,企图挣脱安妮的手,便一把抓起桌上的那把剪刀。Katherine angrily snatched her hand out of his grasp.凯瑟琳气愤地把被他紧紧抓住的手快速地抽了回来。He snatched a last gasp winner.他在最后关头一举夺冠。The thief snatched at the girl's purse.小偷抢夺那个女孩的钱包。We snatched the chance for a few hours together.我们抓住机会聚了几个小时。He snatched up the glass just as it began to topple off the table.杯子快从桌子掉下时他一把将它抓住。Gerry snatched her diary from the desk, and she lunged to grab it back.格里从书桌上抢了她的日记本,她扑上去把它夺了回来。Someone snatched my bag on the train.火车上有人把我的包抢走了。A thief snatched her handbag containing her wages.一个小偷抢走了她的手提包,里面装着她的工资。She snatched up the last copy of the book.她迅速抓起最后一册书。Vargas was snatched from his home by two armed men.瓦格斯被两名持枪男子从家中抓走。The thin wind snatched at her skirt.一阵小风呼地吹起了她的裙子。If your bag is snatched, let it go.要是有人抢你的包,就让他拿去。When no one was looking, he snatched a tray of watches and ran out of the shop.在没有人注意时,他抓了一托盘的手表跑出了商店。They snatched up whips and lashed the backs of those who had fallen.他们抓起鞭子,朝跌倒的人背上抽去。The rescuer snatched the boy out of the sea.营救者一把抓住男孩,把他从海中救起。Mr Hillman was snatched by kidnappers last Thursday.上周四希尔曼先生被绑匪劫走了。He flung himself at her and snatched the bag.他突然向她冲过去,抢走了包。She snatched the toy from his hands.她从他的手里抢走了玩具。Kidnappers snatched the girl from her bedroom.绑匪将女孩从卧室绑走。She snatched her hand away.她赶紧把手缩了回来。She had her purse snatched.她的手提包被抢。Anthony snatched his letters and pocketed them.安东尼抓过他的信,塞入了口袋。She snatched the matches away from the child.她一把夺下孩子手里的火柴。He snatched at her arm as she walked past.她走过时,他伸手去抓她的胳膊。She was an ambitious person who snatched at every opportunity.她是个有野心的人,从不放过任何机会。




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