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词汇 snatch at
例句 He snatched at the book but not quick enough.他想抢走那本书,但动作不够快。The thief snatched at the girl's purse.小偷抢夺那个女孩的钱包。Jessie snatched at the bag but I pulled it away.杰西伸手抓袋子,但我把它拉开了。She was an ambitious person who snatched at every opportunity.她是个有野心的人,从不放过任何机会。In these critical times, most people will snatch at any straw.在这等危急关头,多数人都会抓住任何机会作一番最后挣扎的。She snatched at every chance to practice her oral English.她把握一切机会练习英语口语。When rolling down the hill, he snatched at a rock.在向山下滚的过程中,他一把抓住了一块岩石。I snatched at the reins and managed to haul him to a halt.我一把抓住缰绳,设法把它拉停。The thin wind snatched at her skirt.一阵小风呼地吹起了她的裙子。I was desperate to find a way out of teaching so when this job came along I snatched at it.我当时急于脱离教职,所以这份工作一出现我便毫不犹豫地抓住了机会。We snatch at every chance to improve our work.我们抓住一切机会改进我们的工作。A man snatched at my bag, but he didn't get it.一个男的试图一把拽走我的包,但没有得逞。He snatched at her arm as she walked past.她走过时,他伸手去抓她的胳膊。




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