例句 |
The little girl purred content.小女孩嗬嗬作声表示称心满意。The children were awed into silence.孩子们吓得不敢作声。The wind still roared and the trees groaned.风还在怒号,树木吱嘎作声。His gaze raked the class, killing the sound in each face.他的目光扫视着全班,学生们一个个都不敢作声了。They were cowed into silence by threats. 他们受到胁迫不敢作声。The siren rather whispers than screams.警报器呜呜作声,而不是尖声怪叫。Mother winked at Laura as a sign for her to keep silent.母亲向罗拉眨眼示意,叫她不要作声。The leaves rustled in the breeze.树叶在微风中飒飒作声。People who crunch nuts at the movies can be very annoying.看电影时嘎吱作声地嚼干果的人会使人十分讨厌。The baby gurgled its satisfaction with life.娃娃咯咯作声,表示心满意足。The beetle wheels his droning flight.甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。He has strong-armed the judiciary, the political opposition and the press into silence.他通过暴力手段迫使法官、政敌和媒体都不敢作声。The baby cooed quietly in her crib.女婴在童床里轻轻地咕咕作声。 |