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词汇 smuggled
例句 Everything along the border has its price: drugs, teak, smuggled goods.边境上所有的东西都有定价,毒品、柚木和走私品无一例外。The weapons were smuggled across the frontier.武器是偷运过边境的。These US dollars were smuggled into the country during the war, to aid the underground.战争期间,这些美元被偷运到该国,用以资助那里的地下组织。Weapons are being smuggled across the border.武器正被偷运过边境。The gang smuggled weapons into that country.这帮人将武器走私到该国。They smuggled immigrants across the border.他们偷渡移民入境。He smuggled his notes into the exam.他把笔记偷偷带进了考场。The customs officers seized the smuggled heroin.海关官员没收了走私的海洛因。The money was smuggled into the country during the war, to aid the underground.战争期间,这些钱被偷运到该国,资助那里的地下组织。Illegal immigrants are smuggled into the country by boat.非法移民被小船偷运进这个国家。Friends secretly smuggled him out of the country.朋友们将他秘密送出了国。The smuggled goods were condemned.这批走私货物被没收了。We smuggled his favorite sandwich past the nurse.我们瞒着护士偷偷带来了他最爱吃的三明治。The guns were smuggled across the border.这些枪被偷运过境。The paintings had been smuggled out of the country before the war.那些画在战前就被私运出国了。He smuggled papers out each day, photocopied them, and snuck them back.他每天都把文件偷偷地带出去复印,然后再偷偷地拿回来。These letters were smuggled out of prison.这些信是从监牢中偷偷带出来的。




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