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Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal and reckless.詹森是个危险人物,可能会变得非常野蛮而凶残。She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.詹森被杀的那个周末她在圣迭戈,此事已经核实。Jensen's experience in prison left him hard-bitten, cynical, and ruthless.詹森在狱中的经历令他变得冷漠无情、愤世嫉俗、心狠手辣。Jensen has dropped behind into last place.詹森已经退到了最后。Jensen was found guilty of driving while intoxicated.詹森被判犯有醉酒驾车罪。Jensen would've won if he hadn't lost his nerve.詹森要不是气馁,他就赢了。Jensen called the verdict a travesty of justice.詹森称该判决是对司法的曲解。 |