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词汇 smoothed
例句 He smoothed the metal down with a file.他用锉刀锉平了那块金属。Across the table, Tanya smoothed down her skirt and looked at her watch.桌子那边,塔尼娅把裙子理平,看了一下表。The maid smoothed down the sheets.女仆抚平了床单。The wood was smoothed and trimmed to size.木头刨平了并切割成需要的尺寸。Anne bathed the baby and gently smoothed cream into his skin.安妮给婴儿洗了澡,然后轻轻地把润肤霜抹在婴儿皮肤上。Michael smoothed and sculpted Jane's hair into shape.迈克尔把简的头发梳理平整并做出发型。He smoothed ointment over the cut.他在伤口上抹了药膏。Even the carefully smoothed lines of her face did not hide the tensity beneath.即使细心搽平了脸部皱纹,也掩饰不了她内心的紧张。She smoothed his hair gently.她轻轻地抚平他的头发。She smoothed down the creases in her dress.她抚平了自己连衣裙上的皱褶。He self-consciously smoothed his hair.他特意把头发弄顺滑了。Amy picked up the hairbrush and smoothed her hair once more.埃米拿起发梳,再次将头发梳理整齐。The splints are smoothed by scraping with a drawknife.夹板用刮刀刮平了。The coin's date had been smoothed away over time.硬币上的年代被慢慢磨平了。They smoothed the rough macadam road with a roller.他们用路碾将高低不平的碎石路压平。With her fingers she smoothed the clay and rounded the bottom of the bowl.她用手指把黏土弄平滑,又把碗底修出圆形。She smoothed her dress with an electric iron.她用电熨斗烫平衣服。She smoothed on some moisturizer before she put on her makeup.她在化妆前先抹上润肤霜。There are rough edges to be smoothed out.有一些瑕疵需要弥补。Paul smoothed the comforter, adjusting it carefully about his father's neck.保罗展开被子,小心地盖到父亲的脖子周围。They smoothed the way for an end to the dispute. 他们为结束这场纠纷铺平了道路。She stood up and smoothed down her frock.她站起身,抹平了裙子。With a whizz of a drill, sharp points on `fangs' and tiny chips can be smoothed.牙钻嗖嗖一响,锋利的牙尖和小小的缺损处都可以磨平。She smoothed down the skirt of her dress.她把连衣裙的下摆弄平。Vises are often used to hold pieces of wood that are being cut or smoothed.台钳常常用来固定需要切割或磨光的木块。I smoothed his khaki-trousered leg.我把他那条卡其布裤子的裤腿弄平展。She removed her cap and smoothed her lush black hair.她摘下帽子抚平她那浓密的黑发。He smoothed his tie and headed out the door.他把领带弄平整,然后出门了。She smoothed away a wisp of hair from her eyes.她将眼前的一绺头发拨开。Liz smoothed her skirt and sat down.莉兹抚平裙子坐了下来。A few objections have to be smoothed away before we can start the project.我们先要消除几个反对意见才能开始这个项目。The ground was rocky, so we smoothed out the path with cedar chips.地面不平整,于是我们用雪松木屑把小道垫平。She sat down and smoothed her dress over her legs.她坐下来,把腿上的裙子抻平。She stood up and smoothed her dress.她站起身来,整理了一下裙子。Bardo smoothed his moustache.巴多抚了抚胡子。I petted and smoothed her hair.我轻抚着捋平她的头发。They smoothed the way for a quick end to the dispute. 他们为尽快解决争端扫除了障碍。She smoothed suntan lotion over her legs.她轻轻地给双腿抹上防晒霜。Logs are split, hollowed, shaped, smoothed and ultimately transformed into the article.原木经劈开、挖空、成形、修光而最后制成木器。Claire smoothed Katy's silky hair.克莱尔捋了捋凯蒂如丝般的秀发。




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