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Much of Bangladesh remains flooded after last week's torrential rains.上周降暴雨以来,孟加拉国仍有许多地方积水成灾。The house was infested with mice and rats.这所房子大小老鼠成灾。The house was overrun with mice.房子里鼠患成灾。Torrential rains deluged the region.暴雨使那地区积水成灾。Two days of torrential rain deluged the capital.连续两天的滂沱大雨让首都积水成灾。We are always plagued by wasps in autumn.每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。The house was infested with rats.屋内老鼠成灾。Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.去年抢劫和入室盗窃成灾。The premises were treated for cockroach infestation.因蟑螂成灾,这些房屋集中进行了灭蟑活动。Fire and water may be good servants, but bad masters.水火可以是良仆,失去驾驭则成灾。Most populous provinces were seriously inundated with flood.大多数人口稠密的省份洪水泛滥成灾。 |