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词汇 成熟
例句 The time is ripe for a drastic reform.彻底改革的时机已经成熟The police forces are ripe for reform.警察队伍的改革条件已经成熟If he really did become successful and more adult, maybe his father would back off.如果他真的干出了名堂,并且变得更成熟一些,或许他父亲就会放手。What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。The apples are nearly ripe.苹果快要成熟了。She's quite mature for her age.就她的年龄而言,她已经十分成熟了。The hot sun enables the grapes to reach optimum ripeness.炙热的阳光使葡萄能够达到最佳成熟状态。No one may call himself mature if he bears grudges or allows hatred to fester within.如果心怀怨恨或是任由仇恨在内心郁积,那就不能自称是成熟之人。Travel had not mellowed him appreciably.游历并未使他明显成熟How grown-up you look!你看起来很成熟啊!The time was ripe for proposing his plan.提出他的计划的时机已经成熟Ask yourself if you have the maturity and stability to raise a baby.自问一下,你心理是否成熟,生活是否稳定得可以养育孩子了。Maturity and emotional sophistication can't be faked.成熟和情感上的老道是装不出来的。In the hot weather the fruit matured quickly.在炎热的天气里,水果成熟得很快。He has the confidence of a seasoned performer.他具有一个成熟演员的自信。These latest paintings show how the artist has really grown in maturity.这些最新的画作表明这位画家如何已真正走向了成熟Their songwriting has matured.他们的歌曲创作水平已经成熟You can ripen the fruit by placing it in a paper bag and storing it at room temperature for a few days.你把水果放入纸袋,置于室温数天后,就可以使其成熟His mature work reveals a deep sense of enjoyment of nature.他的成熟作品流露出对大自然深深的欣赏和喜欢。Writers mature as the years roll on.随着时间的流逝,作家们逐渐成熟The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable.我见到的是一些聪明、成熟、品貌兼优的人。The time is ripe for revolution.革命时机已经成熟Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green.那些香蕉还没有成熟——还是绿的。Going to college changed him a lot. It made him much more mature.上大学改变了他许多,令他更成熟了。!Some adolescents might be more sexually mature and provocative than others.一些青少年可能相比同龄人在性方面更成熟、更具挑逗性。I thought you had matured enough not to be giggly and silly about serious art.我原以为你已经很成熟,不会对严肃的艺术持一副嘻嘻哈哈的态度。I know he seems very mature, but he's really still just a kid. 我知道他看上去很成熟,但实际上他还是个孩子。Check the ripeness of the fruit before you buy it.买水果之前要看一下它的成熟情况。The cheese is left to mature for two years.为使之发酵成熟,这些奶酪需放置两年。I can see an increasing maturity in how she understands the world.我看得出她对这个世界的认识日渐成熟They are emotionally mature.他们在情感上已经成熟了。Cheese sweats during ripening.奶酪成熟过程中会出水。She was glamorous and sophisticated, but seemed a little lonely.她光彩照人,优雅成熟,但是看上去有点孤独。Her personality became more mellow as middle age approached.人到中年,她的性格变得更加成熟了。Economists regard the region as being ripe for development.经济学家认为这一地区的开发时机已经成熟The suit is paired with black shoes for a sophisticated look.为了显成熟,西服搭配了黑鞋子。He was a young lad, very green, very immature.他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟She has shown great maturity in her life choices.在生活的抉择上她表现得十分成熟You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟Marriage had not mellowed him.婚姻并没有使他变得更成熟




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