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词汇 smoker
例句 You don't need to be a smoker or a drinker to risk heart disease.并不是只有抽烟喝酒的人才会犯心脏病。He's a light eater/smoker/drinker/user.他吃得/抽烟/喝酒/用得不多。He had been a heavy smoker all his life and only stopped when his doctor told him to.他一生都烟瘾很大,直到医生叫他戒掉他才戒了。For a non-smoker, healthy and active, it was a cruel blow.这对于一个从不吸烟、身体健康而又充满活力的人来说是一个残酷的打击。He has a terrible smoker's cough. 他吸烟过多咳得很厉害。Nicotine produces a feeling of well-being in the smoker.尼古丁给吸烟者带来一种愉悦的感觉。His father is a pipe-smoker.他父亲是抽烟斗的。She used to be a heavy smoker but she kicked the habit last year.她过去抽烟很厉害,但去年戒了。I am a light smoker.我吸烟吸得不多。He is a hypocrite to tell us not to smoke while he himself is a chain-smoker.他好虚伪,自己是个烟鬼,却叫我们别抽烟。He had a smoker's cough and nicotine-yellowed fingers.他因吸烟患上了咳嗽,手指也被尼古丁熏黄了。If you smoke, you might first notice a frog in your throat, which later turns into a smoker's cough.抽烟的人首先是觉得自己嗓子沙哑,再后来会出现老烟枪才有的咳嗽。He's not a heavy smoker.他烟瘾不大。His first wife Joy was a heavy smoker who died of lung cancer.他的第一任妻子乔伊是个烟瘾很大的人,她死于肺癌。I noticed that the thin, nervous man was a chain-smoker.我发现那个神经质的瘦男人是个老烟鬼。He is a non-smoker and a teetotaller.他是个绝对不沾烟酒的人。She was evidently a heavy smoker.她显然是个烟瘾很大的人。Nicotine produces a feeling of wellbeing in the smoker.尼古丁让吸烟者产生一种幸福感。The fire was started by a negligent smoker.火灾是有人随便吸烟引起的。Anyone who does not believe that smoking is an addiction has never been a chronic smoker.不相信抽烟能上瘾的人肯定不是老烟民。




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