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词汇 smartly
例句 He dressed very smartly.他穿着很整洁。They were smartly but casually dressed.他们穿得很漂亮,但又很休闲。She moved smartly to her desk to answer the call.她快速移到桌边接电话。She always gets her children up very smartly.她总是把儿女们打扮得光鲜漂亮。Her auburn hair was smartly coiffured.她的赭色头发梳了个时髦的发型。I have to dress smartly for work.我上班必须着装整洁利落。The movie has a script that is smartly funny, and Hugh Grant is a hoot!这部影片的对白妙趣横生,休·格兰特真叫人笑痛肚子!He was smartly dressed in a suit and tie.他穿着西服打着领带,非常帅气。The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar's desk to answer the call.管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。Stacey saluted smartly.斯泰西迅速敬了个礼。The children stood in neat rows, smartly dressed in school uniform.孩子们身穿整洁的校服,整齐地站成一行一行的。Stacey saluted smartly.斯泰西干净利落地行了个礼。She slapped him smartly.她猛地给了他一巴掌。He turned smartly and walked away.他一个转身走开了。He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。Quigley clouted me smartly across the side of the head.奎格利狠狠地冲着我的头部一侧打了一下。He used to dress quite smartly, but he looks very down at heel nowadays.他过去衣著讲究,现在却是衣衫褴褛。He was a big man, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.他身材高大,穿着西服打着领带,非常帅气。He's usually smartly-dressed, I'll say that for him.他通常衣着整洁,这一点我得替他说句话。He moved pretty smartly to block the goal.他相当巧妙地移动位置以拦住进球。They were smartly but casually dressed; possibly students.他们穿着时尚,但很休闲,大概是学生。He was a big man in his forties, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.他是一个四十多岁的高大男子,穿西装打领带,看上去很精神。The woman was smartly dressed and well-spoken.那名女子穿着讲究,谈吐得体。The good economic news caused share prices to rise smartly this afternoon.这条经济方面的好消息使得今天下午的股票价格猛涨。The captain stood to attention and saluted smartly.上尉一个立正,接着敬了一个利落的军礼。The sailor went through all the motions smartly.这个水手机灵地走了走过场。He was smartly dressed.他穿得很帅气。He fielded the ball smartly.他巧妙地将球接住。




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