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词汇 smallest
例句 He can turn violent at the least/slightest/smallest provocation.哪怕是一点点的小刺激都能让他暴怒。He planned the party down to the smallest/last/tiniest detail. 他精心筹划了这次派对,连最小的细节也不放过。I was surprised by her extreme sensitivity about even the smallest suggestions that we made.她甚至对我们提出的最无足轻重的小建议也极其抵触,这让我很吃惊。Paul is too sensitive for this job. He can't take even the smallest criticism.保罗在这个工作方面太敏感了,一点批评都受不起。Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.就连年龄最小的婴儿也能根据声音分辨出自己的妈妈。The sen is the smallest unit of Malaysian currency.仙是马来西亚最小的货币单位。From the smallest to the largest production unit, no one escaped the manager's notice.从最小的到最大的生产单位,全都逃不过经理的监控。The family is the smallest social unit.家庭是构成社会的最小单位。Rutland is the smallest county in England.拉特兰是英格兰最小的郡。Todd had planned the journey down to the smallest detail.托德把这次旅行全部都计划好了。It is one of the smallest Japanese car makers.它是日本最小的汽车制造公司之一。The smallest thing sets him off, and he can't stop talking about his childhood.一件微不足道的小事都能打开他的话匣子,他会滔滔不绝地讲述他的童年。The photographer arranged the wedding guests, putting the smallest ones at the front.摄影师给参加婚礼的宾客排位置,让个子最小的人站在前排。The room was vast and empty and every smallest noise we made echoed.房间很大而且空荡荡的,我们发出任何一点细小的声音都会有回声。Even the smallest mistake could have dire consequences.哪怕是最小的错误也有可能导致可怕的后果。He was too weak to raise even the smallest of cries.他太虚弱了,连轻轻叫一声的力气都没有。Even the smallest diplomatic incident can trigger a major international conflict.即使是微不足道的外交事件也能引发严重的国际冲突。A squad is the smallest unit in an army.班是军队的最小构成单位。Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers.斯巴鲁是日本最小的汽车制造商之一。His efforts had no smallest chance of success.他的努力毫无成功的希望。Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.水星是行星中最小的一颗。To receive even the smallest amount of financial aid from a college, it's a real paper chase.为获得大学的即使最少量财政补助,也都要先处理填妥数之不尽的文件。Even the smallest piece of machinery is imported.甚至连最小的机器也是进口的。I would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance.我决不允许我的孩子有半点傲气。When launched, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced.当初上市的时候,苹果电脑是所有台式电脑里最小的。Alfred beat his children for even the smallest misdemeanour.孩子们哪怕有一丁点不好的行为,艾尔弗雷德也会打他们。She is a walking microscope to the smallest intrigue.她是一台活显微镜,能洞察最细微的阴谋诡计。Which is the smallest state in the US?美国哪一个州最小?Even the smallest animals struggle a little when they feel themselves trapped.即使是最小的动物在感到自己已落入陷阱时也要挣扎一下。They are unforgiving of the smallest mistake.他们连最小的错误都不肯原谅。Ella is the smallest girl in her class.埃拉是她班上个头最小的女孩。The phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound a listener can perceive.音素是听话人所能识别的最小的有意义的语音单位。From the smallest to the largest production unit, no one escaped notice.从最小的到最大的生产单位,全都在监控之下。An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter.原子是物质不可分割的最小粒子。We're planning to turn the smallest bedroom into an office.我们正计划将最小的卧室改成办公室。She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues.她总喜欢为琐屑小事争论。He would try anything to make her even the smallest degree happier.为了使她哪怕比现在高兴一丁点儿,他愿意做任何事情。Discipline was severe, with caning for the smallest offence.惩罚非常严厉,即使最轻微的触犯也要受到鞭笞。Those remaining in work will be lucky to get the smallest of pay increases.那些仍在工作的人,有那么一点点儿加薪就要算是运气了。Even the smallest metallic object, whether a nail file or cigarette lighter, is immediately confiscated.即便是最小的金属物件,不管是指甲锉还是打火机,都要立即没收。




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