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词汇 slowed
例句 Sales have slowed down quite markedly.销售明显放缓。The extra weight slowed the truck.超重使卡车低速行驶。The car sped up and then slowed down.这辆车先是加速,然后又慢了下来。The rate of accumulation has slowed dramatically.积累的速度大大减缓。We set off at a good clip, but we gradually slowed down.我们出发时速度很快,可是后来渐渐慢了下来。A five-car pileup slowed traffic.五辆车相撞导致交通减慢。The horse slowed to a trot.那匹马放慢速度,小跑起来。She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road.她放慢车速,开始驶上一条狭窄的道路。Her breathing slowed and she fell asleep.她呼吸慢下来,睡着了。When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。The bus slowed down and came to a halt at some traffic lights.公共汽车在一个红绿灯处减速停了下来。The car slowed and gradually came to a stop.轿车减了速,然后慢慢停下来。Traffic was slowed to a crawl.来往车辆只得减低速度十分缓慢地行驶。Business development has slowed in response to the recession.因为经济不景气,企业发展减缓了速度。The driver slowed down as he approached the police barrier.驾驶员驶近警方设置的路障时减速了。We could have been here hours ago, but the rain slowed us down.我们本来老早就到了,可是下雨令我们慢了。The car skidded/slowed to a stop. 汽车滑行着/慢慢地停下了。In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off.在腐败泛滥的社会中,由于要花钱打点更多的政客和官员,决策的制定会被拖慢。The car in front slowed to a stop.前面的汽车减速停了下来。Her metabolism slowed and the weight piled on.她的新陈代谢变缓,体重增加。Some small impediment slowed his conversation.轻微的结巴减慢了他交谈的语速。His pace slowed to the tempo of his thoughts.他边走边想,步子随着放慢了。Traffic had slowed to a snail's pace.车流速度减慢,像蜗牛在爬。The rider held the reins loosely as the horse slowed to a walk.马放慢速度走了起来,骑手便放松了缰绳。He turned toward shore and slowed to a speed just above idle.他驾船向海岸驶去,把速度差不多减至空转挡。The rate of bombing has slowed considerably.轰炸的速度明显慢了下来。Bill slowed his pace to allow her to catch up with him.比尔放慢脚步让她赶上来。The engine slowed to a tick-over.发动机速度下降,开始低速运转。The car skidded/slowed to a halt.汽车滑行/减速停下。Passing drivers slowed down to rubberneck at the accident.过路的司机都把车速放慢,伸长脖子看车祸。The car slowed up to turn right.汽车放慢速度,向右转弯。Every time Mark slowed down the engine cut out.每次马克一减速,发动机就熄火。The ice on the road slowed us down.路面结冰使我们放慢了速度。Kenny slowed his steps, abruptly mindful that the champagne shouldn't be shaken.肯尼忽然想到香槟不能摇晃,放慢了脚步。The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.汽车在路上拐弯时放慢了速度。He slowed the car almost to a stop.他放慢车速,车几乎停住了。The roadblocks hardly slowed them at all.那些路障几乎一点儿没让他们慢下来。The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system.新刑事诉讼法的出台也使系统的效率有所降低。The pony's gait slowed from a canter to a trot.小跑着的小马放慢了速度。Damage to the turbine slowed the work down.涡轮机的损坏使工作变慢了。




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