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词汇 half-time
例句 The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury.就在半场结束前,守门员因肋骨受伤而被人用担架抬下球场。By half-time, the team was wilting under the pressure.比赛进行到一半,该队就在压力之下失去了斗志。Murphy pulled up with a hamstring injury seven minutes before half-time.上半场结束前七分钟,墨菲突然因腿筋受伤无法比赛。Holloway was beaten in a one-on-one with Miklosko just before half-time.比赛进行到快一半时,霍洛韦在跟米克洛什科一对一的较量中告负。Strachan had obviously geed his team up at half-time because they were much more aggressive.斯特罗恩显然在中场休息时鼓舞了士气,因为队员们的表现积极多了。Brazil were in the lead, until Argentina drew level at the half-time whistle.起初巴西队领先,后来中场休息哨子吹响时阿根廷队扳平了比分。The lads were given a rousing half-time team talk by the coach.中场时教练发表讲话给小伙子们鼓劲儿。By half-time, both teams were exhausted.到中场休息时,两支球队都筋疲力尽了。The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury.就在中场休息前,该守门员由于肋骨受伤被用担架抬下场。What was the half-time score?中场时的比分是多少?A goal just before half-time rescued the match from mediocrity.就在半场结束前的一记进球使这场比赛没有流于平庸。The team went into a huddle at half-time to discuss their tactics.中场休息时队员围成一圈讨论战术。The teams change ends at half-time so that neither side has an unfair advantage.两队在上半场结束时交换场地,这样对任何一方都公平。Owen delivered the killer blow soon after half-time.下半场开始不久欧文就贡献了一记绝杀。The teams change sides at half-time.两队在中场休息时交换场地。The game was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather conditions.由于天气状况太差,比赛进行了一半就停止了。The goal was cancelled out just before half-time by Craig McLurg.中场还没到,比分就被克雷格·麦克勒格扳平了。At half-time our team were two goals down.在比赛进行到一半的时候我们队落后两球。Fans invaded the pitch at half-time.球迷在中场休息时涌入球场。He came on as a substitute at half-time.他在半场时作为替补上场。It was Johansson who scored the all-important goal shortly before half-time.正是约翰森在上半场结束前不久踢进了极其关键的一球。He was pulled off at half-time.他在中场休息后被换下。The only goal of the match came on the stroke of half-time.比赛中唯一的一次进球是在上半场正好结束的时候。He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.比赛开始时他表现不错,但半场时似乎已经筋疲力尽了。Here are the half-time scores.这是上半时比分。At half-time, United were leading with two opportunistic goals by Black.上半场结束时,联队因布莱克打进两个机会球而领先。At half-time the score was one-all.半场时的比分是一比一。




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