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They were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back.他们已爬到半山腰,天气变得很糟,他们被迫返回。We can't comply with all your requests, but we can meet you halfway.我们不能完全按你的要求做,但可以做些让步。The project isn't done yet, but we're halfway there.项目还没完成,但我们已经做了一半了。It is now halfway through winter and food stocks are already low.现在冬天刚刚过半,但食物的储备已经不足了。The road dead-ended halfway up the mountain.这条路在通往山里的半路上断了。The lecture was so boring I just switched off halfway through.那个讲座太乏味了,我听到一半就听不下去了。By then it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.那时是十月份,我们的旅程已经过了大半。It was a terrible film – I left halfway through.这部电影糟糕得很,我看到一半就离场了。These government measures only go halfway towards solving the problem.这些政府措施仅能解决问题的一部分。Peter was gesticulating wildly from halfway up the steps.彼得在楼梯半截处激动地打着手势。He pulled the cap halfway over his ears.他压低帽子,盖住一半耳朵。The girl gave up halfway.这女孩中途放弃。Adapting yourself to circumstances is halfway along the road to happiness.随遇而安离幸福也就不远了。The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill.丽东酒店位于陡峭的半山腰上。The engine cut out halfway across the lake.在开到湖中央时发动机便熄了火。He scored from the halfway line.他在中线位置射门得分。If the interviewer likes you, you're halfway there.如果面试你的人喜欢你,那你就具备了优势。Establish the right relationships at work and you're halfway there.在工作中建立恰当的人际关系,你就成功了一半。The runners reached the halfway mark in the race after 49 seconds.比赛四十九秒钟后赛跑选手抵达了中点。I was halfway home when I realized I had forgotten my briefcase.我回家走到半路时突然想起来忘了拿公文包。I lost interest halfway through the book.这本书我刚读了一半就没了兴趣。They won't pay all our expenses, but they might be prepared to meet us halfway.他们不会支付我们的全部开销,但可能会愿意支付一部分。Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence.吉姆就快要拿到飞行员执照了。At the halfway stage of the campaign, Bush had the lead.在总统竞选的中期布什领先。It wasn't until she was halfway home that she realized that she'd left her purse behind.在回家的半路上,她才意识到自己把钱包落下了。It took a lot of hard negotiating, but they eventually agreed to meet us halfway.这经历了多次艰难的谈判,但他们最终同意对我们让步。He halfway surrendered to their demands.他几乎已屈服于他们的要求。The climbers bivouacked halfway up the mountain.登山者在半山腰上露营。I was halfway through my explanation when Walter cut me short.我正解释到一半时,沃尔特打断了我的话。We'll meet at a point halfway between here and your hotel.我们将在你的旅馆和这里之间的一个中间地点相会。He stopped halfway up the stairs.他上到楼梯中间时停了下来。You can't go halfway when you're painting the walls.你刷墙不能只刷一半。Our car broke down halfway across the bridge.我们的车在桥中间抛了锚。Barnegat Books is situated on Eleventh Street, about halfway between Broadway and University Place.巴恩盖特书店位于第十一街,约在百老汇与大学区之间的地方。He travelled halfway round the globe to meet him.他走了半个地球来和他相会。You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。I traded seats with her halfway through the show.我和她在演出中间交换了座位。He who wills success is halfway to it.热切争取成功的人等于成功了一半。I find it very suspicious that he left halfway through the morning.他上午中途离开,我感到非常蹊跷。The exhausted hikers stopped to rest halfway up the mountain.疲惫不堪的徒步旅行者在半山腰停下来休息。 |