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词汇 slow down
例句 The car slowed down a little as it approached the intersection.快到路口时,车速降了下来。Economic growth has slowed down.经济发展的速度减慢了。The tempo of the game slowed down.游戏速度放缓了。Every time Mark slowed down the engine cut out.每次马克一减速,发动机就熄火。Please slow down — I don't like speed.请慢些,我不喜欢快速。Whatever you do, slow down and take your time.不管怎样,你要放慢速度,不要着急。We set off at a good clip, but we gradually slowed down.我们出发时速度很快,可是后来渐渐慢了下来。Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.因浓雾车辆减速行驶。The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.全球变暖的威胁将最终迫使美国减缓能源消耗。Okay, guys, slow down. No more rough-housing.好了,孩子们,歇会儿吧,不要闹了。Passing drivers slowed down to rubberneck at the accident.过路的司机都把车速放慢,伸长脖子看车祸。Eating too much fat furs up your arteries which slows down the flow of blood.摄入过多脂肪会阻塞你的动脉,减缓血液流动。As I slowed down another car flew past me and turned to the left.我慢下来时另一辆汽车从我身边疾驰而过,向左转了弯。The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.当汽车向十字路口靠近时减速。The machine slowed down and stopped.机器转速逐渐减慢,并终于停住了。He ran,and then slowed down to a walk.他跑着,然后放慢速度变成步行。We turned to see the approaching car slow down.我们转身看见驶近的车慢慢停下。You need to slow down or you'll get ill.你需要放松一下,否则会生病的。When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。The car sped up and then slowed down.这辆车先是加速,然后又慢了下来。We couldn't stop or even slow down the whole time. 我们在整段时间中不能停下,甚至也不能减速。For me, holidays are a time to slow down and relax with my family.对我来说,假期是个放松下来与家人一起休息的时间。The train slowed down as it started to approach the station.火车减慢了速度,开始进站。The rate of increase is expected to slow down soon.增长率预计不久就会降低。If you don't slow down you're going to have a breakdown.你如果不放慢节奏会神经衰弱的。The bus slowed down and came to a halt at some traffic lights.公共汽车在一个红绿灯处减速停了下来。You should slow down. You're pushing yourself too hard.你应该放松一下,你把自己逼得太紧了。There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.尽管药物可以减缓病情的发展,但是这种病仍然是不治之症。He slowed down to negotiate the bend.他减速通过了弯道。Ease off the gas pedal to slow down as the bend in the road approaches.接近弯道时要松油门减速。You really ought to slow down.你实在得轻松轻松了。The car in front started to slow down.前面那辆汽车开始减速。The car slowed down as it passed our house.经过我们的房子时,车子放慢了速度。The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down.汽车片刻间便转弯不见了踪影,但动力丝毫未减。You've been working too hard. You need to slow down and take it easy for a while.你工作太过辛苦了,需要放慢节奏,轻松一会儿。Before turning, you should slow down your car.转弯前,你得先减速。Anything that slows down the operation, immediately puts the patient in peril.任何延误手术的事都会立刻将此病人置于危险之中。Time seemed to slow down as she fell.她倒下时时间好像慢了下来。Sales slowed down after the winter holidays, but we're expecting things to pick up again this summer.寒假过后,销售放缓,但我们希望今年夏季能再次回升。Hearing difficulties can slow down a child's linguistic development.听觉障碍会阻碍儿童的语言发展。




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