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They built many churches, great and small, to the glory of God.他们建了大大小小许多教堂来敬拜上帝。We used to hear rats and mice scrurrying around in the attic at night.过去我们晚上常常听到大大小小的老鼠在阁楼上到处跑。There were dead mice and rats all over the room.房间里到处是大大小小的死老鼠。The lizard's body is thin and elongated, enabling it to squeeze into cracks and crevices.蜥蜴的身体又细又长,使它能够钻进大大小小的缝隙中去。He's traveled the highways and byways of this country.他走遍了这个国家大大小小的每一条路。 |