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词汇 slid
例句 He slid into a depression.他逐渐消沉了。He slid his hands around her neck and tried to strangle her.他悄悄地把双手移到她脖子上想扼死她。She had slid into a depression.她不觉沮丧起来。Mary slid back the closet door.玛丽把壁橱门拉开了。As they turned the corner all the bags slid to one side.他们拐过街角时,所有的包都滑到了一边。I slid further down into the pleasantly warm bed.我钻进温暖的被窝里。The firefighters slid down the pole to their trucks.消防员顺竿滑到他们的消防车上。He slid into the driver's seat.他麻利地坐到驾驶座上。He slid the photographs across the desk to her.他把那些照片从书桌对面推到她面前。The door slid shut with a rumble.门轰的一声关上了。She slid the paper under the door.她把纸从门缝下塞入。The car slid and rammed against the wall.汽车一打滑撞到了墙上。The sleek ship slid from the harbor.那条造型优美的船徐徐驶出了港口。He quietly slid the money into my hand.他悄悄地把钱塞到我手里。She took the note and slid it quickly into her pocket.她接过纸条,而后迅速塞进口袋。The dog slid her head into my hand, at once to invite caress and to intimate with all due respect that it was time to go home.狗把她的头拱进我的手,既是邀我爱抚,同时又是以婉转的方式表示该回家了的意思。Melissa slid in beside Paula, and her husband sat opposite.梅利莎悄悄溜进来坐在葆拉身边,她的丈夫在对面坐下。The elevator doors silently slid shut.电梯的门轻轻地滑上了。I slid into a depression and became morbidly fascinated with death.我陷入消沉,开始对死亡有种病态的迷恋。He slid his hands into his pockets.他两手悄悄地插进口袋里。I slid the wallet into his pocket.我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋。The car left the road and slid to a halt.车离开了公路,打滑停了下来。She slid into the booth beside us.她迅速钻进我们身旁的电话亭。Harry slid across the bench so he was sitting next to me.哈里从长凳那头移过来,坐在我身边。I slid into bed between cool white sheets.我上床钻进了凉凉的白色被单里。The doors slid open.门滑开了。We slipped and slid, losing our balance on the ice我们在冰上脚下一滑,失去了平衡。She slid into her scuffs and headed into the kitchen.她穿上拖鞋,朝厨房走去。She slid down the snowy hill on her backside. 她坐着从白雪皑皑的小山上滑了下去。I just sat on my bottom and slid down.我就坐着滑了下去。The gate slid open at the push of a button.一按按钮门就滑开了。An icy chill slid up my spine.我觉得一股寒气顺着脊背蹿上来。The bolt slid easily into the groove.插销顺畅地滑入槽里。The dinghy began to sheer from side to side as we slid down each wave.我们划一下,小艇就开始急速左右摇摆。The drawers slid smoothly in and out without a sound.抽屉顺畅地推进拉出,一点声音也没有。He slid his hand along her arm.他的手在她的臂膀上滑动。Coyne slid his legs over the side of the bed.科因两腿悄悄滑下了床。He slid off the couch and walked over to me.他从沙发上起身向我走过来。Tears slid slowly down his pale cheek.眼泪慢慢顺着他苍白的面颊滑落下来。The task force slid into the night and vanished.特遣队隐入夜色中消失。




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