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词汇 sliced
例句 The ship's hull sliced through the waves.船体破浪疾行。His jokes sliced through the tension in a room.他的笑话打破了屋内的紧张气氛。Place the sliced pork fillet on top and pour a little sauce over it.把切成片的猪肉里脊放在上面,再往上浇点调味汁。She sliced the lemon in half.她把柠檬切成两半。Her eyes smarted as she sliced the onions.她切洋葱时眼睛刺痛不已。He sliced the ham for sandwiches.他把咸熏肉切成片做三明治。The falling slate sliced into his arm.落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。He accidentally sliced the top off his finger while he was cutting vegetables.他切菜时不小心削掉了手指尖。A cucumber was sliced into rounds.黄瓜被切成了圆片。Steel ploughs sliced through the matted roots.钢犁切割错结的盘根。Add 1 lime, seeded and sliced.加一个酸橙,去籽并切成片。The knife sliced through the cake easily.这把刀切蛋糕很容易。She sliced the bread/tomato/pie.她把面包/西红柿/馅饼切块。I buy my ham ready-sliced.我要买切成片的火腿。The knife sliced cleanly through the flesh.那把刀干净利索地把肉切成片。The captain swung his left foot, but sliced the ball wide.队长飞起左脚一踢,球却侧着旋出去老远。He accidentally sliced his finger off.他不小心切断了一根手指。He sliced open his finger while cleaning the fish.他清除鱼内脏时割破了手指。Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones.小块腌洋葱可用来替代切片洋葱。Helen sliced the cake.海伦把蛋糕切成块。He accidentally sliced off the tip of his finger.他不小心把手指头切掉了。She sliced the cheese thin.她把乳酪切成薄片。One side of the hill was sliced off.山坡一侧给削平了。Tanks sliced deep into the territory.坦克长驱直入这片领土的纵深。The blade sliced into her shoulder.刀片刺入她的肩膀。She sliced off a piece of sausage.她切下了一段香肠。Bates sliced into Liverpool's defence.贝茨撕开了利物浦队的防线。I usually buy sliced bread. It's less bother.我通常买切片面包,这还省事些。He reckons his new mobile phone is the best thing since sliced bread.他认为他的新手机是最好的。Woosnam sliced his drive into the bushes.伍斯纳姆的开杆球打进了灌木丛中。One side of the hill had been sliced off.山坡一侧给削平了。Add the tomatoes, skinned and sliced.把去了皮并切成片的番茄加进去。Layer the raw sliced vegetables in a shallow baking dish.把生的蔬菜片一层层地码放在浅烤盘里。The boat sliced the waves.小船划破波浪航行。He sliced the carrots on a/the slant.他把胡萝卜斜着切片。I sliced up an onion.我把一个洋葱切了片。The knife sliced through his ear.刀子割破了他的耳朵。The ship sliced through the water.轮船在水中破浪前行。Start with sliced peaches and/or apples as the base for your salad.首先,切一些桃子和(或)苹果作为沙拉的基本原料。His knife had slipped and sliced off the top of his finger.他的刀一滑,把他的指尖削掉了一块。




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