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Would you like another slice of ham/beef?要不要再来一片火腿/牛肉?Won't you slice me a doorstep, please?请你给我切一片厚面包好吗?This method involves cutting a very thin slice from the object.这种方法需要从物体上切下薄薄的一片。She took a slice of chocolate cake and smothered it in cream.她拿起一块巧克力蛋糕,在上面涂满了奶油。Both companies expect to get a big slice of the cake.两家公司都希望分得一大杯羹。He put the bread on the board and began to slice it.他把面包放在板上,然后开始切。Potatoes slice well.马铃薯容易切片。Rinse and slice the courgettes crosswise.将小胡瓜洗净并横切。He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich.他将一片面包对折做成三明治。Don't slice the meat so thick.别把肉切得这么厚。Kate took a huge slice and was going at it full bore.凯特拿了一大块,狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。They spend a fair slice of the budget on research and development.他们把相当一部分预算经费用于研发。Spread each slice generously with butter.在每一片上都多抹点儿黄油。To top it all off one of the catering staff managed to slice their finger cutting cheese.这一切还嫌不够,一个承办酒席的服务人员竟然在切奶酪时割伤了手指。She cut a slice off the loaf.她从长条面包上切下一片。Don't stint yourself - take another slice of cake.别吝惜肚子——再来块蛋糕。Just a teeny slice of cake for me, please.请给我来一小块蛋糕就行。Marina ate only one slice of bread.玛丽娜只吃了一片面包。There's still a lot of meat left on the bone - shall I slice some off for you?骨头上还有许多肉——要我替你切一些下来吗?We divided the pizza into three and had a slice each.我们把比萨饼分成三份,每人吃一块。Would you like a piece/slice of apple pie?要不要来一块/一片苹果馅饼?Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。Everyone should have a fair slice of the cake.每个人都应公平地分到一份。One slice of bread was not going to sustain me for long.只吃一片面包我是撑不了多久的。The two companies are attempting to carve up a large slice of America's publishing industry between them.这两家公司企图瓜分美国出版业中的一大块肥肉。He was spreading butter on a slice of bread.他当时正在往一片面包上抹黄油。He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily.他拿出一大块奶酪,切下一片,匆忙吃了。He's the best player on the team and he wants a bigger slice of the pie. 作为球队最优秀的球员,他希望能拿到更多的钱。Martha generally breakfasted on a cup of coffee and one slice of unbuttered toast.通常情况下,玛莎早餐时喝一杯咖啡,再吃一片不涂黄油的烤面包。Garnish it with a slice of lemon.用一片柠檬来装饰这道菜。Would you carve me another slice of turkey, please? = Would you carve another slice of turkey for me?你能再给我切一片火鸡吗?They sell pizza by the slice. 他们把比萨饼切成小块出售。I'll slice some bread.我将把面包切成片。The agency takes a large slice of the profits.代理公司拿走了利润的一大部分。They slice through political hypocrisy and nail down reality from their own perspective.他们游刃有余地应对政治上的尔虞我诈,从他们自己的认识出发把握现实。The film presents us with a fascinating slice of history.这部电影向我们展示了一个非常有趣的历史片段。By building cars in Britain, Toyota aim to win an even larger slice of the cake.丰田公司在英国生产汽车,其目标是要争取更大的市场份额。I cut a slice of bread.我切下一块面包。Joe ordered a slice of pizza and a Coke to go.乔要了一块比萨饼和一杯可口可乐带回去吃。I grabbed a slice of bread and slapped on some peanut butter.我拿了片面包,往上面抹了些花生酱。 |