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词汇 slam
例句 She let the door slam.她听任门砰地关上。The wind made the door/window slam (shut).风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。The door shut with a slam.门砰的一声关上了。I heard the slam of a car door in the driveway.我听到私家车道上传来车门砰的一声关上的声音。I heard the door slam behind him.我听见他砰地关上门走了。Close the door carefully, don't slam it.小心关门,别使劲关。A car pulled out right in front of me, so that I had to slam on the brakes.一辆车一下开到我前面,我只得猛踩刹车。He threw his books down with a slam.他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。Nothing gets the crowd or the players pumped up more than a good slam dunk.最能振奋观众和球员的莫过于一个漂亮的扣篮。There's no doubt that he's guilty. The case is a slam dunk.毫无疑问,他有罪。这起案件已成定论。I heard the fans groan as the batter hit a grand slam.击球手击了个全垒打,我听见球迷发出抱怨声。He stepped inside and let the door slam behind him.他走进来,把身后的门猛地关上。I got/had quite a jolt when I heard the door slam.听到门砰的一响,我吓了一跳。She put the phone down with a slam.她砰的一声放下电话。He made a grand slam.他得了个大满贯。Although he's a strong candidate, he's not a slam dunk.虽然他是一个很有竞争力的候选人,但他没有必胜的把握。He closed the book with a slam.他猛地把书合上。At his height, it's not so hard to slam-dunk.以他的身高,扣篮不是难事。Sullivan never misses a chance to slam the tobacco industry.沙利文从来不会错过抨击烟草工业的机会。!I wish you wouldn't slam the door. It makes the floor shake.希望你不要用力摔门,这样会使地板震动。Her response was to leave the room and slam the door.她的反应是离开房间并把门砰地关上。A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes.一只海鸥突然扑到她的车前,她急忙猛踩刹车。She heard a door slam shut and the sound of footsteps on the path.她听到门砰的一声关上了,随后就是小路上响起了脚步声。Call her. The worst thing she could do is slam down the phone.给她打个电话,大不了她把电话砰地挂断罢了。




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