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例句 He has exerted himself tirelessly on behalf of the charity.他为慈善事业作出了不懈的努力。He is active on Tyler's behalf.他为泰勒积极奔忙。I'd like to put in a few words on his behalf. 我想代表他说几句。Because we travelled so much, Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf.由于我们经常游历在外,我和萨姆便请了一位经纪人代表我们处理事务。Richardson's lawyer agreed to speak to journalists on his behalf.理查森的律师同意代表他去与记者谈话。The lawyer acting on behalf of Mrs Anderson said he would continue the fight to clear her name.代表安德森夫人出庭的那位律师说,他将为了洗清她的罪名而继续争取。The teacher accepted the award on behalf of the whole class.老师代表全班同学接受了这个奖项。He made extravagant claims on his son's behalf.他代儿子提出了过分的要求。The executive of the health workers' union accepted the proposed pay increase on behalf of their members.卫生保健工作者工会执行委员会代表其会员接受了加薪的提议。Any person who has the capacity to contract may as a principal engage an agent to contract on his behalf.任何有能力签约的人都可以作为委托人聘用代理人代表自己签订合约。I am quite at liberty to act on their behalf.我完全有权代表他们行事。Lord Beaverbrook intervened on behalf of his friend.比弗布鲁克勋爵代表他的朋友进行斡旋。The prisoner asked me to intervene with the authorities on his behalf.这名囚犯请我代表他去和当局交涉。She intervened with the immigration service on his behalf.她为了他去和移民局交涉。The settlement ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents.这一和解协议结束了代表居民提起的超过四年之久的诉讼。He had to exercise the franchise on behalf of other council members.他得代表委员会的其他成员行使选举权。She acted on behalf of her father, who was not at the meeting.她代表父亲参加了会议。We will plead on your behalf.我们会支持你。Don't get up on my behalf.别为我而起身。A senior judge heard a plea for damages on behalf of the accident victims.高级法官审理了为事故受害者提起的索要赔偿金的申诉。The power to legislate resides with the people who may elect representatives to act on their behalf.立法权属于有资格选出代表来为他们办事的人民。Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf.遗憾的是乔治今天不能亲临,因此我很荣幸能替他领这个奖。On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.我代表全公司对你的工作表示感谢。Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues.特工处官员罗宾·汤普森代表他的同僚发表了讲话。I wrote several letters on his behalf.我代表他写了好几封信。She's been elected to go before the town council on behalf of the county's farmers.她被推选为本县的农民代表出席市镇议会。His attorney was empowered to act on his behalf.他的律师得到授权代他行事。She asked the doctor to speak to her parents on her behalf.她请医生代她同她父母谈谈。On behalf of everyone here, I'd like to wish you a long and happy retirement.我代表这里的所有人祝你长寿、退休生活愉快。The Nobel prize was accepted on her behalf by her sons.她的儿子们代表她领取了诺贝尔奖。Nurses should be ready to intervene on behalf of their patients.为了病人的利益护士应该时刻准备介入。She put out a statement on behalf of the Government.她代表政府发表了一份声明。Hayley spoke passionately on Roy's behalf.海利代表罗伊深情发言。On behalf of everyone here, I'd like to wish Ted a long and happy retirement.我谨代表在场的所有人,祝特德退休后的生活长久而幸福。Anneka was set the huge task by Christian Aid on behalf of a family who fled from war-torn Mozambique.基督教援助委员会指派给安妮卡一个巨大任务,为从饱受战争蹂躏的莫桑比克逃出的一个家庭提供帮助。They're willing to do anything on their child's behalf.他们为了自己的孩子做什么都愿意。I approached him on behalf of the committee.我以委员会的名义同他联系。Sir Nicholas Gammon QC appeared on behalf of the defendant.御用大律师尼古拉斯·甘蒙爵士代表被告出庭。The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.这个骗子赖以活动的数百张银行帐户都是开在一个虚构的人的名下。I am acting on behalf of the bank.我代表银行方面。




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