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John Steinbeck used the dust and the pitiless skies as the backcloth to his novel.约翰·斯坦贝克把尘土和烈日炙烤的天空用作小说的背景。The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.天气预报上说多云并伴有阵雨。Grey skies are the heralds of rain.灰蒙蒙的天空是下雨的先兆。The forecast is for sunny/blue/gray/overcast skies tomorrow.天气预报明天的天空艳阳高照/一片蔚蓝/阴沉灰暗/乌云密布。The fires kindled half the skies.火光照亮了半边天。It was a glorious day with blue skies.那天风和日丽,碧空如洗。It rained like the skies were falling.雨下得好像天都快塌下似的。A strong low is expected to bring cloudy skies tomorrow.预计强低气压会使明天的天空多云。Sunny skies are the rule at this time of year.每年这个时候晴空万里是很常见的。To make extra certain, a police helicopter kept watch from the skies.为确保万无一失,一架警用直升机一直在空中警戒。The weather forecast calls for cloudy skies with a threat of rain.天气预报说多云,可能会下雨。Air pollution is clearly visible in the skies over the city.空气污染在这个城市上空清晰可见。The fineness of the skies tempted her to walk on the beach.晴朗的天空使她很想去海滩散步。The skies were clear and blue.天空晴朗,一片蔚蓝。Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。The skies were overcast, and it was chilly and damp.天空阴沉,寒冷而潮湿。We'll blacken your skies and burn your cities.我们要让你们的天空变得晦暗无光,把你们的城市烧毁。The radio station forecasts clear skies tomorrow.无线电台预报明天天晴。The wind had veered to north, bringing clear skies and a keen frost.风向已经转北,带来了晴朗的天空和严重的霜冻。The voters came out despite threatening skies.尽管天色阴沉,选民们还是出来投票。Disclosure of the true state of affairs would not cause the skies to fall.把事情的真实情况公开不会使天塌下来。The weather there can be unpredictable - one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's pouring rain.那儿的天气有点儿变幻莫测—— 一会儿晴空万里,一会儿又大雨倾盆。Critics have praised the play to the skies.评论家把这部剧捧上了天。The papers forecast clear skies tomorrow.报纸预报明天天晴。Dark skies threatened rain.天空发黑预示要下雨。The skies lightened and the rain stopped.天空变亮了,雨也停了。We woke up to grey skies and drizzle.我们醒来时天空阴沉沉的,下着毛毛雨。The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.天气极其恶劣。寒冷刺骨,天色晦暗,能见度极低。Infrared film renders blue skies a deep black.红外线胶卷可以把蓝色的天空拍成深黑色。Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there.发生在洛杉矶附近的两起漏油事故已经污染了那里的海洋和天空。The skies darkened and a rain followed.天空暗下,然后下起了雨。Anticyclones cause cloudless blue skies and high temperatures in summer.高气压给夏季带来万里无云的蓝天和高温天气。He searched the skies for enemy bombers.他在空中搜寻敌军轰炸机。People bothered by noise from overhead aircraft shall hear a difference in the skies soon.为头顶上隆隆的飞机噪声所苦的人们,不久将从听觉上发现空中明显的变化。A cold front will move in tomorrow, bringing with it clear skies.冷锋将于明天到达,带来晴好天气。The skies are virtually devoid of birdlife.天空中几乎没有任何鸟的踪迹。Cloudy skies grounded planes to Washington.天空多云使飞往华盛顿的航班停飞。The allied bombers had total mastery of the skies.盟军的轰炸机完全取得了制空权。The night skies will be aglow with fireworks.夜空将被焰火照亮。To the groundling, the skies seem unlimited.在地面上的人看来天空似乎是无边无际的。 |