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The athlete's third, and winning, jump was an exhibition of skill and strength.这个运动员的第三次试跳,也是获胜的那一跳,充分展示了他的技巧和体能。That job really taxed our strength. 那份工作很能考验我们的体能。He's just warming up; he's saving his best material for the end.他才刚进入状态,他要把最佳体能留到最后。She took a day off to recuperate.她休息了一天,恢复体能。If a team played games back-to-back, the players' physical stamina would be affected.如果一个球队连续出赛,球员的体能会下降。A special trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.特别聘任了一位教练负责改善她的体能。The best activities for stamina are fairly energetic; they need to get you slightly out of breath.最能够锻炼耐力的是那些需要一定体能、能让人呼吸稍感急促的活动。The army's test is meant to set a baseline for physical fitness.军方的测试意在为体能制定一个标准。He has been building up fitness for his world title challenge.他一直在为世界冠军挑战赛而增强体能。Manual workers need a good breakfast for high-energy output.体力劳动者体能消耗巨大,早餐要丰盛一些。These athletes push their bodies to the max.这些运动员的体能已消耗到了极限。I began running about a month ago to improve my physical fitness.一个月前我开始跑步来提高体能。 |