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词汇 体育馆
例句 I'm going to the stadium. I want to be on the spot when they announce the international team.我要到体育馆去。他们宣布国家队球员名单时我想在场。We train twice a week at the local gym.我们在当地的体育馆一周训练两次。The stadium was named in honour of the club's first chairman.为了纪念俱乐部的第一任主席,该体育馆以他的名字命名。The price of the holiday includes free use of the tennis courts, the pool, and the gym. It's a very good deal.度假的价格里包括免费使用网球场、游泳池和体育馆,很划算。Tens of thousands of people have been rehearsing for the opening ceremony in the workers' stadium.数万人一直在工人体育馆为开幕式进行排练。The camera panned the seats of the stadium.摄像机对着体育馆里的座位摇摄。The boy caught his breath at the explosions of movement and sound in the gym.体育馆内爆出有声有色的高潮,这小男孩紧张得气也喘不过来了。Many children had been dropped at the stadium by their parents.很多孩子被家长送到了体育馆There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like.那里有一个可供网球、羽毛球等比赛用的大型体育馆The plan for a new stadium is going nowhere fast.建新体育馆的计划毫无进展。The school has a new sports hall.学校有一座新的体育馆There were hundreds of Madonna look-alikes waiting outside Wembley Stadium for the concert.温布利体育馆外有几百名酷似麦当娜的人等着入场观看演唱会。The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium.篮筐分别从体育馆两头的天花板上悬吊下来。As we got near the stadium, we could hear the shouts of the crowd.我们接近体育馆时,听到了观众的喊叫声。Fans packed the stadium to watch the final game.球迷们涌进体育馆观看决赛。The proceeds from the sale of the grounds will go towards the construction of a new stadium.卖这片场地的收益将用于建造一个新的体育馆The future of the stadium is in doubt because of a lack of money.由于缺少资金,该体育馆能否建成还不确定。He panned the camera over the seats of the stadium.他对着体育馆里的座位摇摄。The crowds began pouring out of the stadium.人群开始从体育馆里不断涌出。By the time we got to the stadium, the match was already in progress.我们到达体育馆的时候,比赛已经在进行了。By the end of the game, the stadium was almost vacant.到比赛结束的时候,体育馆几乎空了。All roads within a two-mile radius of the stadium were closed.体育馆两英里范围内的所有道路都已封闭了。There are plans to increase the capacity of the stadium.已经有了扩大体育馆容纳力的计划。The school is raising money for a new gym.学校正在筹钱建新的体育馆We joined the outflow of fans from the stadium after the game.比赛结束后,我们加入到从体育馆内涌出的粉丝人流之中。The stadium was virtually empty by the time the game ended.到比赛结束时,体育馆里基本上没人了。The stadium was criticized for its lack of disabled facilities.那家体育馆因缺少残疾人专用设施而受到批评。There's a bar, restaurant, and gym on site.内有酒吧、餐馆和体育馆The stadium filled more than an hour before the game.离比赛开始还有一个多小时,体育馆就已经座无虚席。The sports complex is huge and superbly well-equipped.这个综合体育馆规模巨大,设备一流。The plan involves converting the old canteen into a sports hall.这项计划包括把一间旧食堂改造成体育馆The stadium has a capacity of at least 10,000.这个体育馆可容纳至少一万人。The third and fourth grades teamed up to decorate the gym for the party.三、四年级的学生一起合作,为联谊会布置体育馆Football hooligans caused over £30,000 of damage in bars and restaurants near the stadium.足球流氓给体育馆附近的酒吧和餐厅造成了三万多英镑的损失。The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena.两个乐队在谢菲尔德体育馆联袂演出。The team plays in a new, purpose-built all-seater stadium.这支球队比赛的是一座崭新的、特地修建的体育馆,每一位观众都有自己的座位。UCLA will face North Carolina tonight at Pauley Pavilion.今晚洛杉矶加州大学队将在波利体育馆挑战北卡罗来纳大学队。The city fathers have just given final approval to a new stadium.市政官员刚刚决定同意建立一座新体育馆Plans for a new stadium have been shelved for now.体育馆建设计划被搁置了。When our team won, there was bedlam in the gym.当我们队得胜时,体育馆里闹成一团。




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