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词汇 singly
例句 She still lives singly.她仍过著单身生活。People were wandering about singly and in pairs.人们在四下里闲逛,或单独行动,或结伴而行。The books in the set cannot be sold singly. 这套书不单本出售。The materials can be used singly or in combination.这些材料可以单独使用也可以混合使用。They marched out singly or in pairs.他们一个一个地或成双成对地走出来。They came singly.他们各人自己来了。Doctors usually see their patients singly.医生通常一次诊视一个病人。The birds can be seen singly or in groups.这种鸟既可以看到单只的,也可以看到成群的。Plant the trees singly or in small groups.把这些树单棵或成小片种植。The separate volumes may be had singly.各卷可以分册购买。Patients went singly into the consulting room.病人一个接一个地走进诊室。




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