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词汇 sing
例句 Sitting in the sun, I listened to larks sing.我坐在阳光下听云雀歌唱。He seemed completely unperturbed at the idea of having to sing in a room full of strangers.他似乎一点都不担心在一屋子陌生人面前唱歌。I chose to sing rather than play an instrument.我没有演奏乐器,而是唱了首歌。Ricky stepped forward to the front of the stage and began to sing.里基迈步向前来到舞台的最前面,开始唱了起来。Julia sat down at the piano, and the others grouped together to sing.朱莉娅在钢琴旁边坐下,其他人聚在一起唱歌。Jim was asked to sing the bass solos.吉姆被要求唱低音独唱部分。She simply can't sing.她确实不会唱歌。Anyone who could sing was roped in to help.凡是能唱歌的都被拉去帮忙。The jeep started forward and the wipers began to sing across the screen.吉普车开始向前行驶,刮水器在挡风玻璃上刷刷地来回摆动。And then he started to sing. Well, I didn't know where to put myself.接着他开始唱歌。唉,我简直尴尬极了。They would have to 'sing for their supper' during the exhausting official round of duties.他们不得不在那些耗人精力的官方手续的办理过程中进行疏通。My throat closed. I couldn't sing.我的喉咙哽住了,唱不出来。Don't mind Tom; he likes to sing in the mornings!别理睬汤姆。他喜欢早上唱歌!I'd be happy to sing, but I'll need an accompanist.我很乐意唱,但需要一个伴奏者。I can't sing the low notes.我唱不了低音。Suddenly his mind filled with the recollection of a song she used to sing.突然,他记起了一首她过去经常唱的歌。She was flattered when they asked her to sing.当他们邀请她唱歌时,她感到荣幸。The business executives who've worked with her sing her praises for getting the job done.那些与她共事的公司管理人员都对她能完成这项工作大加赞扬。If you want anything just sing out.需要什么就喊一声。How about a nice sing-along around the piano?围在钢琴边来个合唱怎么样?They sing Mozart Masses, Bach cantatas and works by Stravinsky.他们唱莫扎特的弥撒曲、巴赫的康塔塔以及斯特拉文斯基的作品。And they want me to sing – would you believe it?他们想叫我唱歌,你能相信吗?Come on, David, sing us a song!来吧,戴维,给我们唱首歌!I'll sing you a song.我要给你唱首歌。We were not, praise be , required to join hands and sing songs.谢天谢地!没让我们手拉手唱歌。He hit the keys and began to sing.他敲打着琴键开始唱歌。She taught him to sing in harmony.她教他唱和声。He started to sing and I joined in.他开始唱起歌来,我也跟他一起唱。Let's sing to our heart's content!让我们尽情地歌唱吧! He tried to keep his voice very quiet as he began slowly to sing to her.他压低声音开始慢慢唱歌给她听。I can't sing very well.我歌唱得不好。Would you like me to sing you a song?要不要让我给你唱支歌? She wanted to hear him sing in person.她想听他现场演唱。She has never learnt to sing in tune.她从未学会和著调子唱歌。There's no need to hang back - you can sing as well as anyone.没什么可犹豫的——你会和其他人唱得一样好。I sing about love most of the time.我唱的大都是有关爱情的歌曲。At the party, the students put him on the spot by asking him to sing.在宴会中,学生们当场请他出来唱歌,真叫他尴尬。Birds began to sing as the sky paled into dawn.东方泛白、黎明来临时,鸟儿们开始歌唱起来。She can sing, dance, and act.她会唱歌、跳舞和表演。In the evenings we'd sit around the campfire and sing songs.晚上我们就围坐在篝火旁唱歌。




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