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词汇 骑手
例句 Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes.没过五分钟,马和骑手都大汗淋漓。The riders brought their mounts into line.骑手们使坐骑排成一行。British riders performed creditably.英国骑手的表现可圈可点。The rider held the reins loosely as the horse slowed to a walk.马放慢速度走了起来,骑手便放松了缰绳。Sabres rasped from scabbards and the horsemen spurred forward.马刀在刀鞘里咔嗒作响,骑手催马向前。The horse threw its rider at the third fence.这匹马在第三个障碍处把骑手从背上摔了下来。The branch of a tree knocked one of the riders senseless.树枝撞得一名骑手昏了过去。The horse reared and tossed off the rider.那匹马前腿腾空,把骑手摔了下去。The horse stumbled and threw its rider.马绊了一下,把背上的骑手摔了出去。Going into the fourth lap, the two most broadly experienced riders led the field.进入第四圈时,两名身经百战的骑手开始领先。I knew there were other riders who could beat me in a sprint.我知道其他骑手可能一个冲刺就超过我。The rider reined in his horse.骑手收紧缰绳,让马停了下来。Dinah urged her horse on until she had left all the other riders way behind.黛娜策马前进,直到远远地把其他骑手甩在了后面。He was not a good rider but managed to stick on.他不是一个好骑手,不过总算没有摔下来。The horse bucked and unseated its rider.这匹马猛然跃起,把骑手从马鞍上摔了下来。The riders got back on their horses and started off along the track again.骑手重新跨上马,又沿着小道出发了。The runners and riders appear in Friday's Racing Post.赛马和骑手的资料都会刊载在星期五的《赛马邮报》上。The riders unsaddled after the race.比赛结束后,骑手们从马上下来。She's a good rider.她是一个好骑手As soon as the rider mounted the camel he was tossed to the ground.骑手刚刚骑上骆驼就被摔到了地上。The British rider did poorly at the early fences.那位英国骑手头几栏跨得不好。The horse dismounted its rider.那马把骑手掀了下来。The horse canted the rider into the stream.马把骑手掀入小河。The rider was thrown as the horse jumped the fence.马跳过栅栏时骑手被甩了下来。Katie Moore took the ladies' side-saddle award.凯蒂·穆尔获得了最佳女侧骑手奖。It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.这匹马很漂亮,但对一个没经验的骑手来说有点儿太好动了。The rider cracked his whip and the horse began to run.骑手抽响马鞭,马开始飞奔。Four horsemen dashed up at full gallop, shouting and brandishing their weapons.四名骑手策马全速冲上前去,一边吆喝着,一边挥动手中的武器。Most of the riders carried whips.大多数骑手都拿着鞭子。He refused a fence and unshipped his rider.马在一道障碍前突然停下不肯跳跃,并将骑手从背上甩了下去。This is where the action of the speed and lean of the riders seem to defy gravity and motion.这正是骑手的速度和倾斜度似乎能够摆脱重力和惯性的地方。The band struck up, and riders paraded round the ring.乐队开始奏乐,骑手们列队绕场行进。The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.骑手说他常常会用鞭子抽马。As they came around the bend several riders bit the dust.拐弯时几个骑手摔倒了。Then came the riders amid even louder cheers and whoosh! It was all over.在更大的欢呼声中骑手们冲过来了,只听呼的一声,就全部飞奔而过!The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.那匹马尥了个蹶子,把骑手掀下马,还撞倒了旁边站着的一个小伙子。Riders can incur time penalties for failing to keep to their lane.骑手们如果偏离跑道将被罚时。The rider saw the snake and drew rein sharply.骑手见到蛇蓦地收缰勒马。We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.我们选了这位西班牙骑手早年一些不为人知的照片刊登出来。The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.骑手说他经常会用鞭子抽马。




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