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In a poll of those leaving the theatre and nine out of ten thought it was simply marvellous.一项对那些刚在剧院看完这场戏的观众所作的调查显示,十有八九的人都认为它简直棒极了。A car with tires in this condition is simply a death trap.车胎状况这么糟糕的汽车无疑就是个死亡陷阱。Have you seen their new baby - she's simply adorable!你看到他们刚出生的宝宝了吗?她真是太可爱了!To put it simply, he was fired.简单地说,他被解雇了。The performance was simply out of this world.那演出简直再好没有了。Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway.经济萧条只不过加速了原本就在改变行业状况的变化。What we need is not simply a smaller organization, but a more efficient one.我们需要的不仅仅是一个精简的机构,还要是一个更有效率的机构。I'd had a hard day and was simply exhausted.我已经辛苦一天了,实在是疲惫不堪。We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。I wasn't being deliberately insulting. I simply meant that more exercise would be good for you.我不是故意在损人。我的意思不过是多参加运动对你有好处。I simply can't believe it.我简直不能相信这事儿。This puts the matter somewhat too simply.这把事情说得有点太直白了。I simply can't go him any more!我实在再也不能容忍他了!The new labelling is more succinct and advises consumers simply that oat bran may help prevent heart disease.新的标签更加简洁扼要,只忠告消费者说燕麦麸有助于预防心脏病。He had piercing eyes that simply gimleted you.他有双一眼洞察你一切的眼睛。His memoirs are simply a blow-by-blow account of battles, and contain very little personal comment or reflection.他的回忆录只是对战斗的详细叙述,几乎没有个人的评述或看法。The opera was simply marvelous.这出歌剧真不错。This legislation simply caters to racism.该法规完全是迎合了种族主义。Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.简单地说,我们要么接受他们的报价,要么破产。The room was simply furnished, Japanese-style.这间屋子陈设简单,是日式风格。Did you choose Russia or were you simply assigned there?.你是自己选择去的俄罗斯还是就是被派到那里的?The present system is simply no longer viable.现在的制度完全行不通了。The majority of the shells struck armour and simply glinted off.大多数炮弹击中了装甲,只是一擦而过。The table is simply a chipboard circle on a base.这张桌子只不过是在底座上安了一块圆形刨花板。We simply cannot afford to be complacent about the future of our car industry.我们完全没有资格对汽车业的前景沾沾自喜。If the chicken is fairly small, you may simply split it in half.如果鸡比较小,你把它切成两半就行了。I don't like my job - I simply do it for the money.我不喜欢自己的工作——我纯粹是为了钱才干的。Without a cough in warning, the pistons simply stopped.活塞连噗的一声征兆也未发出就这么停了。The Democrats are simply engaging in partisan politics.民主党只是搞党派政治。To open it you simply loosen these two screws.要打开它,你只要把这两个螺丝松开就行了。Many of these problems may simply fade into irrelevance when the new rules come into force.一旦新规则开始实施,这些问题大多可能就会变得无关紧要了。Much as I would like to help you, I'm simply too busy at the moment.虽然很想帮帮你,但恐怕现在我太忙了。This kind of attitude is simply not acceptable.这种态度是完全无法接受的。There is simply not enough time to visit everyone.确实没有足够的时间拜访每个人。Investors can simply pay cash, but this isn't a workable solution in most cases.投资者可以直接付现金,但这个办法在大多数情况下都不可行。Your feature has the merit of simply stating what has been achieved.你这篇专题文章的可取之处是简明扼要地道出了取得的成就。They may simply have common or garden flu, or indeed a serious head cold.他们得的也许仅仅是普通的流感,也可能确实是严重的头伤风。The amount of work is simply not that great.工作量实在没那么大。The debating chamber is often simply used as a platform for trading verbal abuse.辩论室经常只被用作是各方恶语相向的一个平台。If I were you I would simply ring your friend's bell and ask for your bike back.如果我是你,我就会直接去按你朋友的门铃, 把自行车要回来。 |