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词汇 silly
例句 I'll soon put an end to her silly little games.我会立刻制止她愚蠢的鬼把戏。She did a silly walk to amuse her friends.她走着滑稽的步子逗朋友们开心。Don't be such a silly goose!不要做这样的傻瓜!It seemed silly to make an issue of it.为这个争论好像挺无聊的。What's the name of that guy on TV - you know, the one with the silly voice?电视里那个人叫什么——你知道的,那个说话声音很怪的人?You do look silly in that hat.你戴着那顶帽子确实显得很傻。Morris laughed himself silly.莫里斯都笑傻了。You've done some silly things, but this one really takes the cake! 你以前是做过一些蠢事,可这次真是笨到家了!I was making silly faces to get the baby to laugh.我正做着各种鬼脸逗宝宝乐。Even if my fears were silly, he always had an open ear.即使我的担心挺傻的,他也总是愿意倾听。Sometimes she speaks in this silly, girlie voice.有时候她用这种傻乎乎的小女孩儿腔调说话。The book was a silly waste of time.这书很无聊,读它浪费时间。He kept on butting in with silly comments.他不断插嘴,发表些愚蠢的评论。That seems a bit silly. No disrespect intended.那似乎有点傻。我没有不敬的意思。They used to play the fool together, calling each other silly names and giggling.他们过去常在一起胡闹,互相取笑。It was just a silly mistake.这只不过是个愚蠢的错误。I laughed myself silly at his jokes.他的笑话让我笑糊涂了。We were silly, immature teenagers, and we didn't know any better.我们那个时候还是愚蠢幼稚的孩子,不知道天高地厚。He doesn't say those silly things that unthinking people say.他并没有像没头脑的人那样说蠢话。You're just a silly little boy.你真是个傻孩子。It was silly of you to agree to do it.你同意做这件事,真是太傻了。Don't get upset over silly things that people say.别为了人们讲的那些无聊话生气。It's the political silly season, and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.现在是政治无聊时节,这一政策很无聊,与其说是寻求解决方案,不如说是为了取得公关效应。It's silly to imagine that one partner in a divorce is completely innocent and that the other is the sole guilty party.认为离婚事件中一方毫无过错,过错全在于另一方,这是很愚蠢的。A piece of silly gossip was going around the school.校园内流传着一则荒唐的谣言。I'll soon wipe that silly grin off her face.很快我就会让她笑不出来了。The kids are stuffing themselves silly with ice cream.孩子们正一个劲儿地吃冰激凌。Stop it, you two. You're just being silly.住手,你们俩。 你们真愚蠢。He made a silly face.他做了个鬼脸。Stop being so silly and immature, Chris!克里斯,不要这么愚蠢幼稚!I know it sounds silly but I have my reasons, believe me.我知道这听起来很傻,但我是有道理的,相信我。Pub quiz teams often have really silly names.智力竞赛队伍往往都取了很傻的名字。It's a silly movie about adolescent high jinks.这是一部描述青少年嬉闹取乐的无聊电影。I grant you it was a silly idea.我向你承认,这是一个愚蠢的主意。It's silly to go out in the rain if you don't have to.如果没有必要,下雨天去户外就太傻了。He became the butt of everyone's silly jokes.他成了大家开无聊玩笑的对象。She didn't entertain silly fantasies about love at first sight.一见钟情这样的愚蠢想法,她没有。He began to inkle what a silly combat weapon it is.他开始有点明白这是一种多么愚蠢的作战武器。We gave away a silly goal.我们愚蠢地白送了对方一个球。I call it silly.我认为这是一件蠢事。




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