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词汇 sign on
例句 She signed on for a quick and concentrated course in the basics of nursing run by the Red Cross.她报名参加了红十字会举办的护理基础强化速成班的学习。They had failed to recognise signs on their instrument panel indicating a serious problem in the left engine.他们没有意识到仪表板上的指示信号表明左引擎出现了严重问题。As soon as he was made redundant, he signed on the dole.他被解雇后马上办理了失业救济登记。He took his pen out and signed on the spot.他掏出笔,当场签了名。He has signed on at the job centre.他在职业介绍中心办理了失业登记。Once you sign on the dotted line you are committed to that property.一旦你签字同意,这份地产就交由你照管了。The station signs on with the playing of the National Anthem.电台以奏国歌开始一天的广播。He pinned a sign on the wall.他把标志钉在墙上。We have put the Indian sign on that team and beaten them nearly every game.我们一物降一物,几乎每次比赛都将那个队击败。The sign on the toilet door said "Engaged".厕所门上的显示牌显示“有人”。I've signed on to help at the school fair.我已报名在学校交流会上帮忙。I had to sign on the dole on Monday.我只好于星期一办理了领取失业救济金的登记。There were big no-smoking signs on all the walls.所有的墙上都挂着大大的禁烟告示牌。Where's the percentage sign on this keyboard?这个键盘上百分比符号在哪里?He signed on as a member of the crew.他签约成为一名船员。How many men have signed on so far?有多少人在雇用契约上签了字?Companies have signed on as business partners with high schools across the country.公司已经同意与全国各地的中学结成商业伙伴。She lost her job and had to sign on.她丢掉了工作,不得不办理失业登记。She signed on to the new project.她签约进行新项目。He had signed on for a driving course.他报名修习一门驾驶课程。When we arrive at the office each morning we have to sign on the dotted line.每天早晨我们到办公室时,都要签上大名。He drew a huge dollar sign on the paper.他在纸上画了个巨大的美元符号。Did you notice the sign on the front gate?你有没有注意到前门的标牌。The bowl was signed on the bottom by the artist.碗底有艺术家的签名。If you want to join the gym, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line.若想加入该俱乐部,仅需签名即可。Make sure the repairs are done before you sign on the dotted line.确定修理完成后,再在虚线上签字。There were signs on Saturday that the team is starting to gel at last.周六有迹象表明这支队伍终于开始团结作战了。You have to sign on every fortnight when you are unemployed.失业期间必须每两周办理一次失业登记。Make sure you get all the details before you sign on the dotted line. 在正式签字前,要确保你已经了解了所有细节。She's put the Indian sign on every bachelor in town.她把镇上所有的单身汉全迷住了。Flashing signs on the motorway warn drivers of hazards ahead.高速公路上的闪光信号灯警告司机前方有危险。Bill signed on the bottom line with a flourish.比尔在最后一行用花体字签了名。I'll probably have to sign on with a nursing agency.我也许得和护理介绍所签约。She's signed on for another movie.她签约拍摄另一部影片。He handed out pins with the peace sign on them.他分发了带有和平标志的徽章。They had failed to recognise signs on their instrument panel indicating a serious problem.他们没有注意到仪表板上显示的重大故障信号。The treaty will be signed on US soil.该条约将在美国国土上签署。You need your password to sign on.你需要密码来登录。We're planning to sign on some new staff.我们计划雇用一些新员工。Just sign on the dotted line and we'll have a deal.只需在虚线处签名,我们就成交了。




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