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词汇 经得起
例句 The memoirs stand up well to crosschecking with other records.这些传说经得起与其他记录的交叉核对。The mast will stand any strain.这桅杆经得起任何拉力。Among my old friends, he is wearing best.在我的老朋友中间,他是最经得起考验的。 These hiking boots are tough enough to take any amount of punishment. 这些登山鞋都够结实,经得起万般折腾。Exporters have to find wines that travel well.出口商得找到经得起长途运输的葡萄酒。These windows can resist very high winds.这些窗户经得起强风吹打。The table should be strong enough to survive the trip.桌子应该足够坚固,经得起这段路程。These days businesses have to be able to compete internationally.如今,企业必须要经得起国际竞争。None of her theories about language really stands up to close scrutiny.她有关语言的理论没有一条真正经得起仔细推敲。This flooring can withstand years of hard wear.这种地板经得起多年的高强度使用。How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?这个命题经得起推敲吗?Everything she had done stood up under his close examination.她做过的每一件事都经得起他的仔细检查。Is he a good sport when he plays cards?他玩牌时经得起输吗? I have the brawn to cope with low life and danger.我的体力经得起贫困艰险的磨练。Whether this new technology will stand the test of time remains to be seen.这种新技术能否经得起时间的考验仍需拭目以待。The sea wall sustained the shock of waves.海堤经得起海浪的冲击。His poetry has proved durable.他的诗已经证明是经得起时间考验的。Silver is a soft metal and is alloyed to make it withstand everyday use.银是一种软金属,它被铸成合金以经得起日常使用。The deal is on the up-and-up and should stand scrutiny in any court of law.这笔交易是光明正大的,应当经得起任何法庭的缜密审查。




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