例句 |
Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales?这座楼能经得住最强劲的大风吗?This boat will bear up under hurricane winds.这艘船经得住飓风。Trees that have well developed taproots are well equipped to withstand wind storms.有粗大主根的树能经得住大风暴的袭击。The equipment should be able to withstand a certain amount of rough handling.这件设备应能经得住一定的磕磕碰碰。Restaurant dishes must be able to withstand rough usage.餐馆的餐具必须能经得住不太讲究的使用。A great writer survives any translation.一位伟大的作家经得住任何翻译。The deck is built to withstand years of wear.这个甲板的建造经得住长年磨损。 |