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例句 Please be patient. Your call will be answered shortly.请耐心等待。你的电话很快就会接通。Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.上个星期,其他叛军领导人和政府代表之间的和谈没能达成协议,宣告破裂,但是和谈不久会重开。It was Johansson who scored the all-important goal shortly before half-time.正是约翰森在上半场结束前不久踢进了极其关键的一球。It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.不久它就可以上市,按照我们与你商定的条款进行销售,重申一遍,这些条款尽量不要对外公开。He matches the description of a man seen in the area shortly after Wednesday's attack.他的相貌特征符合目击者对星期三袭击发生后不久在该地区看到的一位男子的描述。Political observers believe that a new cabinet may be formed shortly.政治观察家认为新内阁可能很快就会组建。He expects to pay all his debts off shortly.他预计不久就能还清全部欠债。The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.大会正在就提议进行辩论,稍后将就此表决。The text is currently being emended and will be published shortly.文稿现在正在校订,不久即将付梓。Dinner was at six and we arrived shortly after. 晚餐定在六点。我们是六点过一点儿到的。Tragedy was shortly to overtake him, however.然而,不幸将很快降临到他的头上。Quinn returned shortly after daylight.奎因在天亮之后不久就回来了。She made her big screen debut shortly afterwards.之后不久她首次在大银幕上亮相。Political observers believe that a decision may be announced shortly.政治评论员认为可能很快便会宣布一项决定。The accident happened shortly before midday.事故是在正午前不久发生的。The plane crashed shortly after take-off.飞机起飞后不久就坠毁了。She had/suffered a nervous breakdown shortly after her sister's death.她姐姐去世后不久她就精神崩溃了。Their trial will shortly begin.他们的审判很快就要开始了。Charlie left shortly after he was enlisted in the Army.查利参军后不久就离开了。We arrived shortly before six o'clock.我们快到六点时到达的。It was shortly before midnight when the terrorists attacked.就在午夜到来前不久恐怖分子发动了袭击。She's just finishing a letter, and she'll be with you shortly.她快要写完信了,很快就来陪你。We were shortly to sail for New York.我们不久便要驶向纽约。We should be arriving shortly.我们马上就到。An emergency call was received shortly before the plane went down.坠机前不久收到过紧急呼救。The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.在爆炸前不久,警察将这个村庄里的人全都疏散了。The winners will receive their medals shortly.获胜者将很快得到奖牌。Her last novel was published shortly after her death.她的最后一部小说是她死后不久发表的。A guide for hospital staff will be published shortly, covering everything from simple hygiene to security regulations.一本供医务人员使用的手册即将出版,书中介绍了从简单的卫生保健到安全规章等各种事项。Hail fell shortly after lunch.午饭后不久下起了冰雹。Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident.事发后不久,朱莉就被勒令停职了。We arrived shortly after six o'clock.我们六点过一点儿到的。The conference is now debating the motion and will vote shortly.会议正在讨论这个提议,稍后将投票表决。The new version is expected to be released shortly.新版本有望不久发布。The doctor will be with you shortly. 医生很快会来给你看病。She arrived shortly after breakfast.她早饭后不久就到了。The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.发射后不久,火箭就失控坠落了。He explained his meaning shortly but clearly.他扼要而清楚地解释了自己的意思。His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.他和迪斯尼的协议很快就要到期,这样他就可以腾出身来发展自己的项目了。The by-pass crosses Wilton Lane shortly after a roundabout.这条旁道过了环岛后不久就和威尔顿巷交叉了。




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