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词汇 shirts
例句 We won't be getting any extra-large shirts until tomorrow.我们明天才会有特大号的衬衫。There are a hundred shirts waiting to be ironed.有一大堆衬衫要烫呢。These shirts will look great even after repeated washings.这些衬衫即使反复洗涤,看上去也会完好如新。The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern.这些衬衫上印着佩斯利旋纹图案。Ironing shirts is a hateful job.烫衬衣是件讨厌的事。She used to iron his shirts.她以前常给他熨衬衫。When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。These shirts are all smalls.这些衬衣都是小号的。The kids bought transfers and ironed them onto their T-shirts.孩子们买来转印图画,然后用熨斗印到他们的短袖圆领运动衫上。The shirts come in three sizes.衬衣有三种尺码。Two of the rioters had shirts torn almost into shreds.暴徒中有两人的衬衣已被撕成碎条。The store got a delivery of shirts yesterday.这家商店昨天到了一批衬衫。We've come across sweaters, jackets, shirts and one or two delightful indescribables.我们看到的有运动衫、茄克衫、衬衫以及一两种难以名状的讨人喜欢的服饰。We've completely sold out of those shirts in your size, sir.先生,您那个尺码的衬衫已经全部卖完了。Mother put the shirts in my clothes chest.母亲把那几件衬衫放进我的衣柜。They wear extremely loud shirts.他们穿非常艳丽的衬衣。I borrowed stays from his shirts.我向他借了衬衫领用的撑条。The sheets/shirts hanging on the line billowed in the breeze.挂在绳子上的床单/衬衫在微风中飘动。He packed two pairs of trousers and four shirts.他把两条裤子和四件衬衣放进包里。These shirts are all mediums and I take a large.这些衬衫都是中号的,我要一件大号的。The boys tucked their shirts in.男孩子把衬衣下摆扎进裤子。It's traditional for the two teams to exchange shirts after the game.比赛后两队队员交换球衣,这是传统。Snap! We're wearing the same shirts!太巧了!我们穿了同样的衬衫!They whipped off their shirts and dived into the pool.他们飞快地脱下衬衣,跳入水池里。I'm not particularly what you would call a new man, but I do cook, and I iron my own shirts.我并不完全符合你所说的新派男人的特征,但我做饭,而且自己熨衬衣。Tie-dyed T-shirts are very popular in some countries.扎染的衬衣在一些国家很流行。They were streaming sweat under their lumberjack shirts and padded jackets.他们穿着短衬衫和棉夹克,挥汗如雨。The shop sold out all their shirts.这家商店的衬衫都卖光了。They looked as if they were dressed in their Sunday best, the girls in clean white dresses, the boys in dark trousers and plain white shirts.他们看起来像是盛装打扮了一番,女孩子们身着洁白的裙子,男孩子们一身白衣黑裤。We used old shirts to improvise dressings for their wounds.我们用旧衬衫凑合着给他们包扎伤口。She divided the shirts according to size.她根据尺码对衬衫进行分类。Those shirts are all the same size.那几件衬衫都一样大小。It was very hot and the men had their shirts open to the waist.天气非常热,男人们把衬衫敞到腰上。We have plenty of shirts left, but we're running short of smaller sizes. 我们的库存里有很多衬衣,但是小号的几乎没有了。Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man.也许我可以雇别人来熨他的衬衫,但我想好好宠他。他是我爱的男人。Designers often wear worn-out jeans and wrinkled T-shirts.设计师通常穿着破旧不堪的牛仔裤和皱巴巴的体恤。The shirts go in the top drawer.衬衫放在最上面的抽屉里。In a moment of jealous frenzy, she cut the sleeves off all his shirts.她嫉妒得发疯,把他所有的衬衫袖子都剪掉了。We only took a few shirts and a pair of jeans. That's basically it, really.我们只拿了几件衬衫和一条牛仔裤。基本上就这样,真的。Players were whipping their shirts off.运动员们在飞快地脱衬衫。




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